Category: Success Stories

Hello friends and family, this is Fairbanks, aka Sofa. I adopted my family before I even met them. Thanksgiving weekend 2006, I attended a Pet Harbor function at the PetsMart and there were these people waiting for ME! My mom, and my two sisters- one four-legged and one two-legged. Both humans fell in love, but wouldn’t you?
The Princess, her name is Cheyenne, was not so keen on the idea of having a brother, but eventually I grew on her. I went to my forever home that afternoon, and because of my “special” needs — see, I had eye problems when mom fell in love with my handsome picture on the Web site — mom showed me around the house and where the back door was, toys, bowls, and my bed, and my two-legged sister took me for a walk. She is not very big, so I may have walked her.
My grandma and uncle came to meet me and they were in love. They had seen pictures, but they had no idea what a personality I had, and I charmed them, so much so that grandma brought me back McDonalds… I don’t think mom was too happy, because grandma has not done it since.
Anyway, Cheyenne and I have learned to love each other, and we both have the battle wounds to prove it. We just had to work it out our way. I dominate the food, and she dominates everything else…
I met my vet that week, and mom learned how to take care of my eyes, kinda funky, and I HATE it, but she does it anyway because she loves me. Then mom took me back to the vet to have a play day. They have doggie daycare down there and mom did not want me to hate going to the vet, so she follows it up with a play day. I never know if I am going for a shot, grooming, or just to hang out with my friends down there.
Cheyenne and I stay in the same run now, but not at first. At first we could not even ride together. The ride home on adoption day was interesting. She likes the front seat, and I am content in the back. So I let her have it. Have I told you she is a princess???
I love car rides, though, and mom took me to a place that I had not been before. I met another doctor. Apparently the eye issues could possibly be resolved??? We tried the eyedrops, nothing. Then the only other thing was that I could have surgery. Mom scheduled it immediately. You know that I am in the 10% of dogs that the eyedrops do not work? Go figure… so I had the surgery. It hurt. It was outpatient surgery. So I was at home later that day, but I was really mad at mom, so much so I would turn my back to her when she came in to check on me. I would not even take peanut butter from her, which was a problem, because she had to get my meds in me. I had to have low fat treats like green beans, potatoes, and apples. Well, when I got home initially, I ate milkbones, and then mom spoiled me with doggie cookies, ID- the canned food I LOVE, peanut butter, frosty paws, and my favorite, the miniature t bones. I did not want anything that they were telling mom I had to have. So mom cooked the green beans and the potatoes and bought me the fried apples in the can. I decided these were much better than the other way. I finally got over being mad at her, and I could see!!!! How EXCITING! One eye is better than the other, but they are both better.
Then this past summer, my two-legged sister found someone she wanted to bring home, and mom being mom let her get another husky. His name is Mikey and he was 10 months old or so they think. Henrico Humane had Mikey, So she brought him home. Now I have a brother, 2 sisters, and a mom. Mom has her own pack.
We behave, for the most part, but Mikey is young and Cheyenne and I are training him. I like to play king of the hill with both of them… I always win. Mikey is my Gilligan, and I am the Skipper.
I have my own squeaky toys that I love to run around the yard with. Mom laughs at me… I squeak it and growl at the same time. I am SOOO cute.
Mom even sneaks me out of the house to pick up Alex at track practice, I LOVE car rides, and now that I can see, I like the front seat. We all walk together and sometimes we get roasted chicken from Costco, mom says it is much better than McDonalds. That is the only time I am not gentle when taking it out of mom’s hands. I get so excited!!!! Cheyenne may be the Princess, but mom says I am the King.
UPDATE: Hello, just wanted to give you a little update… I am going to have to have another eye surgery, but this time it is for the cysts around the bottom part of my eye. This is the eye that works really great and the tumors are benign. However, they are starting to get big enough that it is bothering me. So they will freeze them off and all will be good as new. Dr. Blair also stated that since I will be under, he will look at the other eye that is not doing as well to see if it is clogged or something like that.
My mom wants me to thank you again for the chance they had to have me in their lives. I am so funny now and comfortable in every room in the house. I have slept in every bed and on every floor. She thinks that has something to do with my being able to see everything, but that is not true. I came to Pet Harbor from a very high-kill shelter. What my comfort and humor have to do with is I am so very loved now. I have a very happy home & I love my family. That’s what it has to do with.
My mom thinks Pet Harbor is awesome and we appreciate everything that you do for guys like me. I wouldn’t have my mom if it weren’t for you guys. I really am a very big part of my family and everyone loves me. Of course, I know Pet Harbor feels the same way about my mom. If there weren’t awesome adoptive parents like my mom, where would Pet Harbor have put me? I hate to think about it.
My mom’s man friend threatened to doggienap him cause he loves him so much. My mom had to tell him that unless he is going to take me for rides and to the groomers (I prance when I go and get my day spa treatments, really funny.) and he is going to give my the lifestyle that I have become accustomed to, then it would not be in his best interest to dognap me.
Anyway, I wanted to show you guys how much I have changed and how I am able to see now, and this little video shows me playing in the snow with my toy. I growl at the toy in the video while he squeaks it. I apologize for not having sound. It is absolutely hilarious, and I only like the squeaky rubber toys, not stuffed toys, not the hard rubber. I am a very picky boy now. I don’t like milk bones anymore either. My mom says I am a dream, the best dog that she has had the privilege of being owned by. Don’t tell Cheyenne that. She is spoiled rotten and doesn’t know the meaning of work or hard life…
I look forward to more updates and new things. He and Mikey and I play King of the Hill every day now.
In the pictures, you can understand why my nickname is Sofa 🙂 I am so grateful to Pet Harbor for letting me adopt this family who loves me and tells me every day and so is my family. Thanks again!
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