Pet Harbor Rescue, P.O. Box 73, Bowling Green, VA 22427

(703) 583-HSKY

Month: May 2017

Our next adoption event in Fredericksburg, VA is scheduled for the following:


Date: Saturday, June 10, 2017

Time: 10:00 AM to 2:30 PM

South Fredericksburg PetSmart
9751 Jefferson Davis Highway
Fredericksburg, VA 22407
I-95 exit 126

All available dogs (except Leah) are tentatively planned to be at this event. However, this is subject to change, and may change at the last minute.

Only approved adopters will be allowed to take home a pet at the event. Apply today!

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I went to my forever home on March 17, 2018!

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12/30/17 Leah
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Age (approx):
8 years old
Birthday (approx):
December 20, 2009
What am I?
Spayed female Siberian Husky
Black & white, blue eyes
52 pounds (as of 2/10/18)
Experience with Children:
I lived with small children for the past several years, and I am living with small children in my foster home. I have had only positive interactions with them. In fact, I like to follow the toddler like Mary’s little lamb. I also like to curl up in the toddler’s bed, whether or not I am accompanied by a toddler. Wherever the children are, that is where I choose to be.
Experience with Cats:
True to my breed, I have a high prey drive for cats and small critters, like squirrels. I cannot live with cats.
Experience with Dogs:
I have lived with a male Siberian Husky all of my life. I have frequented dog parks. I share a foster home with male and female Siberian Huskies. I do let them know I am a typical dominant female Siberian Husky, meaning I will win. If that means I fight, I will fight without hesitation. This is only dogs. I ADORE ALL humans. Interestingly, though, I do pick my friends. I pick out a male dog and will flirt all I can. The next male dog, though, I might dislike with a vengeance. I guess it’s a roll of the dice or maybe I just choose by scent.
Energy Level:
Owner Aptitude Level:
Named for 9/11 Victim:
I was named for Leah E. Oliver.
I lost my first home when I was less than a year old. My human at that time loved me and took good care of me but then became homeless and felt he had to turn us (Broderick, adopted; and me) into a dog pound. Then Pet Harbor found me a wonderful home. That was my family for almost seven years. They loved me very much. Unfortunately, the pediatrician advised my family to give up the dogs. So I came back to Pet Harbor. I then got adopted, but I was not nice to the other dog in the house. So I came back to Pet Harbor.
  1. 2017 – See me wait for a baby to feed me in Patience is a Virtue.
  2. 2017 – Where there’s a child, there’s a Leah.
  3. 9/7/17 – With my darling children.
  4. 10/21/17 – Playtime!
  5. 10/28/17 – I need to follow children!
  6. 10/28/17 – The Runway!
  7. 12/31/17 – I’m most content with children.
  8. 2010 – Back in 2010, watch me play with Broderick in Toys Galore!

Dream Home Minimum Requirements: MY 2018 BIO: Sugar. Think sugar. If you go sugar-free, then think sweetener. That is all you need to describe me, just one word. When I first came to Pet Harbor, I was a little confused because I had been uprooted from my family I loved, but they took such wonderful care of me I have to miss them, especially the two children, whom I adored. If you adopt me, you will benefit from the care they gave me. They named me Chiqui. Pet Harbor originally named me after a 9/11 victim, hence why my bio says Leah. Even though the toddler in my foster home insists I am “not a chicken,” my name is Chiqui. Would you believe that I know commands in both English AND Spanish?! It’s like I’ve been to charm school. I’m well-mannered. My favorite thing to do is follow babies and toddlers around. Truth be told, I’m really waiting for them to drop food. When they wake up and start their days, I wake up and start my day. When they play, I lie quietly by them. When they walk outside, I try to follow them. When they leave, I look for them. I’m the type of dog who would love nothing more than to wait for a school bus to bring my babies back. When they go to sleep, I sleep right next to them on the bed or on the floor, wherever I am allowed. I am the quietest Siberian Husky you will ever meet. Seriously, I am a lady with all the wonderful attributes that entails. My second favorite thing to do is play in the water! Think of a retriever and that’s me: big grin, playful splashes, deep-end swimming.. just without the retrieving part. During the summer, I am perfectly content taking a dip in the kiddie pool, you guessed it, with the kiddies. And don’t expect to leave a bathtub filling with water unattended and not have me sneak in for a little fun. Yep, I’m adorable. Lest you think I have no faults, want to hear about my prey drive or how I will dig out of a yard to be closer to my people? See, just when you thought I was really not a Siberian Husky, I proved you wrong! Truthfully, I’m the most plug-and-play Siberian you will ever meet. The children in my foster home adore me. Those two sentences sum me up entirely!

MY 2010 BIO: If you would be so kind as to allow me to say it, please? What is it, you ask? Why, that I am the cutest dog in the world. Don’t you agree? I am a lady. I am dainty and gentle and give gentle kisses and curtsy. Okay. Maybe I exaggerate just a bit, too. I also am all puppy and will run and jump and play, play, play like all normal high-energy Siberian Husky puppies. Ready for all that entails?

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I went to my forever home on August 26, 2017!

7/15/17 Dimino
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Age (approx):
2 years old
Birthday (approx):
June 3, 2015
What am I?
Neutered male Siberian Husky
Black & white, blue eyes
36 pounds (as of 6/8/17)
Experience with Children:
Pet Harbor was told that I lived with a baby and young children, and we enjoyed playing with each other. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I have interacted with multiple children ages 0 to 18 and have displayed only positive reactions to them, but I am a young, energetic Siberian. So I will run laps over, under, and around young ones.
Experience with Cats:
My history with cats is unknown. Pet Harbor has performed a test for cat-friendliness. I did not attempt to harm the cats. I did bark incessantly at them, but when a cat put up a paw or hissed, I backed away.
Experience with Dogs:
Pet Harbor was informed my history is that I have gotten along great with all dogs. Since coming to foster care, I have been the center of the party. I play with all of the dogs (They’re my size or bigger.) all the time. I am having a blast! Pearl, also available for adoption, thought she was my girlfriend until I let her know I think I’m too young to settle down.
Energy Level:
Owner Aptitude Level:
Young Northern breed experience is a plus!
Named for 9/11 Victim:
I was named for Stephen N. Dimino.
When I was a mere pup, I was purchased from a pet store and two years later dumped in an animal shelter with the excuse that my owners were moving. From there I came to Pet Harbor.
  1. 6/9/17 – See me play with the pack!
  2. 7/15/17 – Watch me explore

Dream Home Minimum Requirements: As noted above, I love to play (and play and play). There are no sad minutes with me. I’m happy all the time. My smile is never-ending. You know the person who walks in a room and just brightens everyone’s day? That’s a perfect description of me. I turn every frown upside down. Life is too short to be serious. Wanna laugh with me through this journey? Every Siberian should have a job. Whatever mine turns out to be, we know for sure it will be full of happiness. Until then, I will be content being a social butterfly.

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I went to my forever home on October 7, 2017!

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6/10/17 Matty
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9 years old
November 25, 2007
What am I?
Neutered male Siberian Husky
AKC Information:
AKC #WS24440605
   – Sire: Cherokee Trace Cramer, AKC #WS000863002 AKC DNA #V357813
   – Dam: Martina Crater, AKC #WS01943604
White, blue eyes
67 pounds (as of 6/10/17)
Experience with Children:
I lived with small children for the past several years. I have had only positive interactions with them.
Experience with Cats:
True to my breed, I have a high prey drive for cats and small critters, like squirrels. I cannot live with cats.
Experience with Dogs:
I have lived with a female Siberian Husky for most of my life. I have frequented dog parks. I have had only positive interactions with all dogs I’ve met. There is a female Siberian in my foster home, and we have had all positive interactions.
Energy Level:
Owner Aptitude Level:
Named for 9/11 Victim:
I was named for Robert D. Mattson.
My family bought me as a puppy from a breeder in Pennsylvania. My family loved me very much. Unfortunately, the pediatrician advised my family to give up the dogs. So I came to Pet Harbor. My “sister,” Leah, also available for adoption, was returned to Pet Harbor.
  1. 6/10/17 – I’m just so well-mannered!
  2. 7/15/17 – Kids love me!

Dream Home Minimum Requirements: Wanna hear a secret? I can run on a treadmill! Yep. Try taking me to the gym. Ha! And would you believe that I know commands in both English AND Spanish?! Yep. Now, whether I listen and obey is a whole other matter. I am a Siberian Husky, after all. Speaking of my breed, did you know Siberian Huskies are in the Working Dog class? Therefore, I have a job. And should my contract end, I have highly marketable skills. Let’s start with my degree as a cuddler extraordinaire with a minor in bedwarming if you let me sleep with you! Truth be told, though, I’m really vying for a top position with Caterpillar as an excavator. Next to cuddling, I excavate the best. I come with references. There are many other qualifications I possess, but I won’t bore you with the entire listing. Suffice it to say I earn my keep. Oh, wait. A few more things I should probably reveal. I’m a Siberian Husky who wants to be a Labrador Retriever, I fetch AND retrieve! See? Marketable skills. I also enjoy playing with toys and counter surfing. You would never guess my age if you didn’t already know what it was, would you? My family took wonderful care of me. If you adopt me, you will benefit from the care they gave me. They named me Matias (Matty for short). So how about it? Need a gym partner or a bedwarmer?

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I went to my forever home on August 26, 2017!

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5/26/17 Roma & Pearl Kisses - copy
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Age (approx):
2 years old
Birthday (approx):
May 26, 2015
What am I?
Spayed female Siberian Husky
Light red & white, blue eyes
55 pounds (as of 6/10/17)
Experience with Children:
My history with children is unknown to Pet Harbor. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I have interacted with multiple children ages 0 to 18 and have displayed only positive reactions to them.
Experience with Cats:
Along with Roma, who found a home already, I landed in an animal shelter having been accused of killing a cat. So I cannot live with cats.
Experience with Dogs:
My history is unknown to Pet Harbor. However, I was running at large with Roma. Not only do we get along great, but we are probably related. Pet Harbor doesn’t know for sure. Since coming to Pet Harbor, our roles have changed. Roma was a leader, and I was her follower. Now we are equal leaders. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I have met several dogs my size, male and female, and have had no issues except I like to bark at a geriatric male dog. Maybe I’m flirting. I’ll never tell. I have a favorite Siberian playmate. See, there is this one red and white boy Siberian in my foster home who has become the object of my flirtation.
Energy Level:
Owner Aptitude Level:
Young Northern breed experience required
Named for 9/11 Victim:
I was named for Richard Allen Pearlman.
For the crime of running at large, Roma, who already found a home, and I landed in a county animal shelter. It is alleged we killed a cat. From there, we came to Pet Harbor.
  1. 5/26/17 – Spring is Planting Time, after all!
  2. 5/26/17 – Strolling along with my sister
  3. 6/9/17 – See me play with the pack!
  4. 6/10/17 – Gentle, playful, and sweet
  5. 7/15/17 – Pearl and Wilder

Dream Home Minimum Requirements: My favorite thing in the world is tummy scratches. I love them!! Oh, I could go belly up all day and all night if you would scratch my tummy. Putty. Putty in your hands. If I think you are going to give me belly rubs, my body slinks down as if I am boneless. Lest you think I am taking advantage of you, let me tell you I give as much as I get. I give all the soft kisses you could possibly want in exchange for belly scratches. On another note, I am truly a Siberian and all the stubbornness that entails. If I decide I don’t want to go somewhere, then I will put on the brakes and become dead weight, all the while dishing out soft kisses. You will find it difficult to be angry at me. That is for sure. When I first came to Pet Harbor, I had a touch of shyness, just enough to be endearing, but that shyness is pretty much nonexistent now unless I think I’m in trouble.

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I went to my forever home on July 15, 2017!

5/26/17 Roma & Pearl Kisses
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Age (approx):
2 years old
Birthday (approx):
May 26, 2015
What am I?
Spayed female Siberian Husky
Red & white, one brown eye, one parti eye (both blue & brown in the same eye)
48 pounds (as of 6/10/17)
Experience with Children:
My history with children is unknown. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I have interacted with multiple children ages 0 to 18 and have displayed only positive reactions to them.
Experience with Cats:
Along with Pearl, also available for adoption, I landed in an animal shelter having been accused of killing a cat. So I cannot live with cats.
Experience with Dogs:
My history is unknown to Pet Harbor. However, I was running at large with Pearl. Not only do we get along great, but we are probably related. Pet Harbor doesn’t know for sure. Since coming to Pet Harbor, our roles have changed. I was a leader, and Pearl was my follower. Now we are equal leaders. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I have met several dogs my size, male and female. We have no issues. At first, I felt I had to tell them I was the Queen Bee, but I quickly mellowed.
Energy Level:
Owner Aptitude Level:
Young Northern breed experience required
Named for 9/11 Victim:
I was named for Keith Roma.
For the crime of running at large, Pearl, also available for adoption, and I landed in a county animal shelter. It is alleged we killed a cat. From there, we came to Pet Harbor.
  1. Spring is Planting Time, after all!
  2. Strolling along with my sister
  3. See me play with the pack!
  4. I love walks and belly rubs

Dream Home Minimum Requirements: I’m as much fun as a barrel of monkeys. One Siberian is better than monkeys in a barrel any day! Watch your pinky because I will wrap around it pretty quickly. I’ll get into mischief and show you my baby blue and brown eyes and pearly whites and you will forget whatever its as I did. Girls just wanna have fun. I will play with other dogs to my heart’s content. And I have a job. I work hard at my job. I am a protector. I will protect my home, guarding the house against stuffed animals and tapestry pillows that look like Siberian Husky heads. True story. Oh, did I mention that while I’m giving you kisses, I’m also plotting my next caper? I’m no dummy! There is a method to my madness. Told you I’m good at my job. Maybe it’s time to ask for a raise. A few more treats should be in order! It would be nice if Pearl and I could be adopted together, but it is not a requirement.

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