Month: September 2018

I went to my forever home on April 6, 2019!
- 12/8/18 – Oh, to be Close to You!
- 11/3/18 – Scavenger
- 9/16/18 – A little kindergarten rough-housing!
- 9/16/18 – Running and exploring the yard.
More About Me: I’m uber friendly and playful, ready to be putty in your hands. I’m what my foster home calls a plug-and-play dog. I can fit in almost any home environment. I’m a lover, not a fighter. If you know Siberians, you know me. All those traits that describe a Siberian describe me. Siberians are friendly and loving. Yep, that’s me. I’m a total sweetheart. Happy as can be. Yep, that’s me. Sing the song of my people? Yep, I do. I’m not quiet. Well, I’m not quiet when my human(s) leave me alone. I have quite a lot to say in protest. If you know & love Siberians, you will know that song is melodious & enjoy it, but if you live in an apartment or in close quarters, your neighbors may not. I’m much happier when my people are home where they can pet me or fix me food or let me kiss them. Fun-loving & people-loving. Yep. That’s me! So the bottom line is if you are a Siberian person, I’m the perfect dog for you!
Read MoreI went to my forever home on November 23, 2018!
- 11/3/18 – Run, Be Happy!
- 10/20/18 – Short Run
- 9/15/18 – So much to do and see!
More About Me: All you need to know is I’m about the sweetest dog who ever lived. I’m great with toddlers. I don’t run through or over them. I take treats from them quietly & easily. I have the cutest, most feminine play bow in the world. I have a soft woo that is rarely heard. I have an adorable smile. I’m well-behaved. I’m not a kissy Siberian, but I will push into you to be petted if you are so inclined to pet me. I don’t even mind going to the veterinarian, getting shots, or being brushed. I am perfection. Really, I am. I’m healthy, too. I’m one of those no-issue dogs who makes people scratch their heads trying to figure out how I got homeless & was not reclaimed. Oh, well. Hopefully my next people will be my last people & will love me the way I deserve to be loved. There are two things I do not like. One is hardwood floors, the other having my picture taken. Other than that, I’m a doll baby.
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