Month: May 2018

I went to my forever home on July 14, 2018!
- With Macie, I co-star in Black & White Dogs Can Jump.
- People! People! I Love People!
- I have a bit part in More People.
- I’m very photogenic. See my Beauty.
More About Me: My 2018 bio: Pretty much the same as my 2014 bio except I have a bit less energy now, which is a good thing! Unfortunately, partly, that is because I have gained too much weight. So hopefully my new family will help me find my lost figure.
My 2014 bio: Most dogs who share my history aren’t like me. I am extremely happy, sweet, loving, and friendly. I submit to bossy dogs unless they get too bossy and gang up on me. Then I find my chutzpah. I adore children. Well, heck, I adore all people. I give gentle kisses and take food gently. And you can take whatever you want from me. Don’t I sound like the perfect dog? I’m so different from other chained dogs. Maybe it’s because my chain was a heavy rope. And can you believe I never even tried to chew my way off the rope. I do have some pretty badly fly-bitten ears, but they’re healing. Now that I’m in foster care, I spent all my time playing with other dogs. I adore them. Of course, when people walk in the room, I forget about the dogs. People are the cat’s meow. And when toys are around, I also forget about the dogs. Toys rank right up there, too. And, of course, if you have treats, they’re all that and a bag of chips for me. I am extremely food-motivated. One thing you will notice about my happiness in these videos is I NEVER stop wagging. People could learn the lessons of gratitude from me. I do believe counters are made for walking and feasts can be made from garbage pails. I’m gentle and not one to barrel through others. So I’m a great dog for even the smallest of children. And I’m small built compared to big brutes. So your children will pick me anyway! Oh, one more thing. I never stop smiling.
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I went to my forever home on February 15, 2025!
- 5/25/18 – Watch me sit and lay down.
- 5/25/18 – I also know paw!
- 5/25/18 – I love my new toy!
- 5/25/18 – Will work for food!
- 7/14/18 – Will work for treats, part 2
- 7/14/18 – Doggy meet & greets!
More About Me: Pink Panther. That’s what my foster mom calls me. She says it’s because I’m so pretty. My mission in life is to love. My occupation is as a kiss gardener. If I can’t reach your face to plant my kisses, I will stand on my hind legs and rest my paws on your arm to be sure I can reach you. If you are seated and ignore me so that I can’t do my planting, I will sort of roll into you so you can’t ignore me. I take my job seriously. Kissing you is my paycheck. I enjoy it as much as you do! When I’m not kissing, I am playing. My BFFs, other Siberian Huskies, and I are a three- to four-ring circus. Did you know Pink Panther is a circus clown? So if you are looking for a beautiful gal who loves gardening (planting kisses), you found her!
Read MoreI went to my forever home on April 21, 2019!
- 5/20/18 – Will work for treats!
More About Me: Every Siberian has an occupation. Mine is esoteric, but if you promise to keep it under wraps, I’ll tell you. Promise? Raise your right paw and repeat after me. Okay. Okay. I know you don’t have a paw. Go under the cone of silence, then. My career is . . . I am a stuffie cleaner. You see, I have this thing about stuffed animals. I lick them until they’re soggy. If you tell anyone, I’ll plead the Fifth. I do have a reputation to maintain, after all.
My secondary occupation doesn’t pay very well and, in fact, might even cost me at some point. I am a daredevil, focusing on the first half of that word! My foster mom moved the water bucket up high while she was cleaning. I climbed to get that bucket. Maybe I should be a firefighter. I heard those dogs are Dalmatians, though, and I’m not.
If I end up unemployed, I can always resort to being an auctioneer. I do like to talk. I have whole conversations with people. It’s kind of funny when you add that to another trait I have, that of sleeping through fireworks.
I am quite a happy and affectionate gal. I’ve had some training at some point in my short life & even know some tricks. It’s pretty easy to train me because I am treat-motivated. My den (crate) time is great. Unlike some boisterous Siberians, I’m calm & content there.
I’m working on my leash skills. The right kind of collars work wonders because I am strong & energetic, ready to go, and need the right kind of collars to keep your arm in its socket. I totally enjoy outings. In fact, every open door is an invitation for an outing!
Read MoreI went to my forever home on July 7, 2018!
More About Me: All I really want is to be loved and feel safe. I am super sweet, with a bit of shyness. I warm up quickly, but I will revert if there are loud noises, such as thunderstorms, or changes happen too quickly. As you can see in the photos, my tail likes to live under me. I’m so afraid someone is going to hurt me. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to know what happened to me in my past to make me this way? Yes, my tail does come out from under me. The more time you spend with me, the more I trust you, at least until the next time I am frightened. I’m the type of dog who makes your heart skip a beat. My success is your reward. I give the softest kisses, and I love to kiss. All you need to bring to the table is a bit of patience and understanding. I’m not the type of dog you can put in the backyard and expect me to stay there. Other dogs are okay, but I don’t have to live with other dogs. Children are great, the quieter the better. No kitties for my home, though. I’m just looking for a family who wants a handsome boy who gives soft kisses and rides really well in the car to show me love and understanding and let me be their reward.
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