Month: April 2022
Pet Harbor has very strict policies with regard to puppy adoptions to ensure that we have forever homes. Before you consider applying to adopt me, please read Pet Harbor’s Puppy Policy. Thank you for your interest and consideration!
I went to my forever home on May 14, 2022!
- 4/23/2022 – Bundle of Joy
More About Me: My DNA results are in. I am 66% Siberian husky and a few other things thrown in for good measure. See Insky DNA. I’m a cute and playful puppy, like all the rest of the puppies in the universe. When I landed in the shelter, I was depleted medically. My skin is still a little itchy, but I’ve been given medical clearance and am spayed. So I’m ready for a home!
Read MoreI went to my forever home on May 13, 2022!
- 4/28/2022 – Pack Powwow
- 4/28/2022 – Fur Fest
- 4/26/2022 – Recess
- 4/25/2022 – Bennet & a Boy
More About Me: Every good Siberian has an occupation. I’m a caboose. There are other names for what I do, but I think caboose is cute. Don’t you? A train is not complete without a caboose. The caboose is a sign everything else has gone first. When my foster brothers & sisters go inside from outside, I am always the caboose. I’m a good boy helping my foster mom make sure all the other kids are inside, right? But check this out: That’s not even my foster mom’s favorite thing about me. She loves that I’m a gentle gentleman. Out of nowhere, I will clumsily climb into her lap, plant my front paws on her shoulders, and plant some kisses on her!! Hey, maybe I’m a gardener, not a caboose, because that’s a lot of planting, isn’t it?
Read MoreI went to my forever home on May 14, 2022!
More About Me: Information coming soon!
Read MoreI went to my forever home on September 10, 2022!
- 8/20/2022 – Rounds
- 8/20/2022 – Assembly
- 8/20/2022 – Powwow
- 4/30/2022 – Becoming a Foster Dog
More About Me: My foster mom believes there are two things I love: people and food. She says, boy, would I love to be a restaurateur. Man, that would be the life: surrounded by both food and people! I’d think I’d died and gone to Heaven. My foster mom describes me as super loving. I put my head on her lap if she’s sitting or chest if she’s lying down, and I shine my baby blues until she pets me. Of course, she never pets me enough. So then I go from person to person. When one has stopped petting me, I simply move to the next person. When I’ve made it around to everyone, I then have started the rounds again. But, really, I don’t make the rounds much because I’m so sweet they can’t help but pet me.
I am a small male Siberian. I’d say I’m compact. So I think I’m just the right size for young people. And, of course, I’m easy to train with food if you like training with food, and here’s to hoping you do!
Read MoreI went to my forever home on March 18, 2023!
- 12/11/2022 – Speaker of the House
- 12/20/2022 – Meeting the New Dog
- 8/20/2022 – Lap Warmer
- 8/20/2022 – Wag Fest
- 8/20/2022 – Love Being Loved
- 8/20/2022 – Powwow
- 8/20/2022 – Gentle Breeze
- 8/20/2022 – Sweetness
- 4/30/2022 – Meeting the New Foster Dog
- 4/23/2022 – Woo
- 4/23/2022 – Kind & Gentle
More About Me: Really, I’m perfection. Why, you ask? If you’ve never had a Siberian husky before, then I’m your dream dog. In my foster home, I haven’t displayed an energy level shown by the young whippersnappers most days. So I’m a good introduction to the breed without being off the chain. If you check out my video, you will hear my soft & gentle woowoos. So if you like talking and singing Siberians but haven’t been exposed to their voices in your home, my subdued version is a great introduction. I have been fantastic with the children in my foster home. I haven’t barreled through them. I’ve been quite polite with them, and they adore me. I give them soft, easy kisses, and they’ve really enjoyed me. So if you have youngsters, I’m a good introduction to the breed for them. I’ve had a hard life. When I came to Pet Harbor, the initial thought was I was about 6 years old, but the more vets looked at me, the more that age estimate increased. I came to Pet Harbor with really bad skin and ear infections, choppy fur because of it, and without being spayed. Obviously I was without love and care, and I so deserve it. So the final piece to my perfection is I will warm the hearts of those who adopt me knowing they gave me the love and family I have always deserved and wanted. Then, finally, I will learn in my last years that I really am worthy. If you got through this without tears, you’re stronger than the person writing it, but now it’s time for the author to go give me a hug. Thank you for reading my story.
Well, at long last, I found my home. I waited a long time for my home. My perfect self found a perfect mom & home. My mom is a former Pet Harbor adopter. She adopted Tatiani (formerly Pet Harbor’s Sara). Tatiani lived a long and happy life. I know I will, too. Pet Harbor volunteers are in love with me. One volunteer even donated my adoption donation in memory of her beautiful Siberian husky Kaya. You can read about Kaya here.
Read MoreI went to my forever home on July 30, 2022!
- 5/4/2022 – The Throne
- 5/4/2022 – Found my Voice
- 4/30/2022 – Cuddles
- 4/30/2022 – Meow Meet
- 4/28/2022 – BFFs
- 4/15/2022 – Playtime
More About Me: So I have two occupations. First, I’m a toymaker. To be a toymaker, one must have as a foundation a love of toys. I have that. The second ingredient of toymaking is creativity. I have that, too. I will turn just about anything into a toy. Good luck trying to be sad around me. I aim to not allow that. My second occupation is also a sadness-eradicating one. I’m a cuddler. At least in my foster home, I’ve been a cuddler. I soak up all the love I can find. For both of my careers, I am a pretty happy fella. Maybe I’m part bunny because I’ve been known to often do a sort of little hoppy dance. So how about it? Wanna dance?
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So many huskies available! With ages ranging from 1 to 2-1/2 years, you’re sure to find your next best friend! Continue Reading…
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