Month: June 2024
More About Me: Let’s talk about my mysterious beginning first. I was surrendered to a shelter in Virginia. I was transferred to another shelter because the person who turned me in lived in the jurisdiction of the other shelter. However, I had been microchipped. Tracing the microchip backwards revealed not only my approximate birthday but that I was originally in a shelter in Los Angeles, California. Here I am 1.5 years old and have already been in at least THREE animal shelters, one on the West Coast, the others the East Coast. Why? It’s not my fault, I can assure you. Despite all of that, I am a super happy dog. I have been taught commands at some point, but what I really love the most is giving hugs. I stand tall and wrap my paws right around you. Do you need a furry hug or two from a handsome and exuberant Siberian?
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This event has been cancelled. Please check back for upcoming adoption events. Continue Reading…
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