Pet Harbor Rescue, P.O. Box 73, Bowling Green, VA 22427

(703) 583-HSKY

Month: July 2018

I went to my forever home on August 11, 2018!

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5 years old
December 30, 2012
What am I?
Neutered male Siberian Husky
CKC Information:
CKC # SB-04640444
– Sire: Beiler’s Drako of Power (#SB-04446713)
– Dam: Reece Beiler’s Chocolate (#SB-04288098)
Red & white, blue eyes
47 pounds (as of 7/26/18)
Experience with Children:
Pet Harbor was told I lived with a child but growled at the child while I was on a couch. Pet Harbor cannot verify the accuracy of the information. I met children at the shelter and had no negative interactions. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I have met children ages 1 to 5 and have had only positive interactions with them.  I do like to play, and I do play using my mouth. So little ones will need to understand that it is play.
Experience with Cats:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with cats. On 7/26/18, Pet Harbor performed a test for cat-friendliness.  When kitty was in a carrier, I had some interest, but when kitty was walking all around me, I paid no attention to her.  Though I saw her, I went about my own business.
Experience with Dogs:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with dogs. I passed my dog-dog tests. I am brand new to Pet Harbor and have no negative interactions with the dogs I have met so far, though I have mostly ignored them.
Energy Level:
Owner Aptitude Level:
Northern breed experience preferred
Named for 9/11 Victim:
I was named for Laurence Christopher Abel.
My former humans dumped me in an animal shelter. From there, I came to Pet Harbor Rescue.
  1. 7/26/18 – I’m so laidback!

More About Me: Mostly laidback, I seem to adapt to most anything. I want to spend my time with people. If you are quiet & laidback, that’s what I’ll tend to be. If you are running and wanna play, I’ll be all about that, too. What does that tell you? It tells me I’m a pretty easy keeper. Do I have negatives? Well, when it comes to doing something I don’t want to do, you will need to be my leader because I will try get my way. That means getting a bath or vaccines, for example. So how about it? Can you be my leader? Wanna run & play with me or pet me and let me give you soft kisses? Either way, I’m down with that!

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I went to my forever home on January 20, 2019!

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Age (approx):
5 years old
Birthday (approx):
July 11, 2013
What am I?
Spayed female Siberian Husky
Black & white, blue eyes
44 pounds (as of 10/16/18)
Experience with Children:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with children. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I have met children of all ages. My interactions with them have all been very positive.
Experience with Cats:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with cats. On 7/23/18, Pet Harbor performed an evaluation for cat-friendliness.  That day, I showed no interest in the kitties whatsoever.  I did want to eat the cat food, but I didn’t try to eat the cats.  I do, like most Siberians, have a high prey drive with small furry things that are outside.  Bunnies & squirrels, for example, are not safe around me.
Experience with Dogs:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with dogs. I showed no aggression during my dog-friendliness evaluations. When I first got to Pet Harbor, I felt I had to let other dogs know I am the Queen Bee. As time passed, I learned to not only coexist with other dogs but to love them. I even enjoy small dogs! Then I got adopted. After two fights with the male Siberian who also lived there that resulted in stitches, I was returned to Pet Harbor.
Energy Level:
Owner Aptitude Level:
Northern breed experience preferred
Named for 9/11 Victim:
I was named for Stacey L. Peak.
For the crime of running at large, I landed in an animal shelter. From there, I came to Pet Harbor Rescue. I was adopted and returned because I was fighting with the male Siberian in the home.
  1. 10/20/18 – Pretty Lamb
  2. 9/15/18 – Love Magnet
  3. 7/29/18 – Will work for belly rubs!

More About Me: Adoration.  I adore my people.  If that means jumping a 6′ fence to be with them, then that’s what I’ll do.  A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.  I’m a sweetheart, a lover, a doll.  Make love, not war.  That’s my motto.  I just wanna snuggle and cuddle and be petted & kiss you and then repeat that whole cycle over & over again.  There is more to me than just love.  I am also comical.  So maybe you can call me a silly sweetie.  You know how a Siberian jumping on a trampoline is? I do that same jump from a standing position. See? Comical.  My mission in life is to make you happy.  Lest you think I’m a giving soul, my real reward is I am loved.  Are you looking for a silly sweetie who is also stunningly gorgeous?

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I went to my forever home on July 14, 2018!

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Age (approx):
2 years old
Birthday (approx):
July 1, 2016
What am I?
Neutered male Siberian Husky
Black & white, blue eyes
50 pounds (as of 7/10/18)
Experience with Children:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with children. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I have interacted with children ages 1-4.  All interactions with them have been positive.
Experience with Cats:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with cats. On 7/12/18, Pet Harbor performed a test for cat-friendliness.  The result is I cannot live with kitties.
Experience with Dogs:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with dogs. I passed my dog-dog tests. Since coming to Pet Harbor, my interactions with other dogs have been all positive. All the dogs are around my size.
Energy Level:
Owner Aptitude Level:
Northern breed experience preferred
Named for 9/11 Victim:
I was named for George W. Simmons.
For the crime of running at large, I landed in an animal shelter. From there, I came to Pet Harbor Rescue.
Coming soon!


More About Me: I’m a total love. I’m one of those dogs who will cure depression. I will keep you in stitches around the clock. Dull moments are not allowed when I’m near! Endless affection is the best way to describe me. If you ignore me, I have a plan. My plan is to climb in your lap. Though I enjoy other dogs as well, I’m really a people-focused dog. Mind if I focus on you?

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I went to my forever home on July 28, 2018!

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3 years old
May 2, 2015
What am I?
Spayed female Siberian Husky
AKC Information:
AKC #WS50132204
– Sire: Shrek Kovu, AKC #WS38419402 AKC DNA #V744783
– Dam: Princess Left Eye JT, AKC #WS43356302
White, blue eyes
41 pounds (as of 7/2/18)
Experience with Children:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with children. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I have interacted with children ages 1-12.  All interactions with them have been positive.
Experience with Cats:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with cats. On 7/12/18, Pet Harbor performed a test for cat-friendliness.  I easily passed the test.
Experience with Dogs:
Pet Harbor was told I lived with a female dog. I passed my dog-dog tests. Since coming to Pet Harbor, my interactions with other dogs have been all positive. All the dogs are around my size.
Energy Level:
Owner Aptitude Level:
Named for 9/11 Victim:
I was named for Diane M. Simmons.
I first was put into an animal shelter when my family lost our home.  I got adopted.  After almost 7 months, my new family put me into an animal shelter.
  1. 7/14/18 – Kisses, please!
  2. 7/14/18 – Doggy meet & greet!

More About Me: Though I may look like a Siberian to you, what I really am is a sponge. I soak up all the attention & love. I’m gentle enough for little children. I’m energetic enough for school children. I’m beautiful enough to be arm candy for teenagers trying to attract other teenagers. And I’m cuddly enough to sit in the rocking chair with Grandpa. Other dogs are great, too. And even kitties. So since I’m all-around perfection, why are you hesitating? I’ll give you kisses while we wait for you to decide.

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I went to my forever home on July 17, 2018!

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Age (approx):
7 months old
Birthday (approx):
December 7, 2017
What am I?
Neutered male Siberian Husky
Black & white, blue eyes
39 pounds (as of 7/5/18)
Experience with Children:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with children. I have met small children in foster care. As I am painfully shy, they and their noises and quick movements frighten me. When further information is known, it will be posted here.
Experience with Cats:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with cats. Pet Harbor has not yet performed a test for cat-friendliness. When this information is known, it will be posted here.
Experience with Dogs:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with dogs. I passed my dog-dog tests. Since coming to foster care, I have met other dogs. I thoroughly enjoy playing with them and allow them to assert dominance over me. The best home for me will have at least one other dog I can befriend.
Energy Level:
Owner Aptitude Level:
Experience with shy dogs required
Named for 9/11 Victim:
I was named for Joan Donna Griffith.
Running at large, I had to be trapped and ended up in an animal shelter. From there, I came to Pet Harbor.
Coming soon!

More About Me: Information coming soon!

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I went to my forever home on July 2, 2018!

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Age (approx):
5 years old
Birthday (approx):
June 22, 2013
What am I?
Neutered male Siberian Husky
Black & white, bi-eyed (one blue eye, one brown eye)
50 pounds (as of 6/22/18)
Experience with Children:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with children. When this information is known, it will be posted here.
Experience with Cats:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with cats. Pet Harbor has not yet performed a test for cat-friendliness. When this information is known, it will be posted here.
Experience with Dogs:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with dogs. I passed my dog-dog tests. When further information is known, it will be posted here.
Energy Level:
Info to come
Owner Aptitude Level:
Info to come
Named for 9/11 Victim:
I was named for Charles E. Sabin, Sr.
My owners put me in an animal shelter, saying they no longer had time for me, although I had severe flystrike. So when were they ever spending time with me?
Coming soon!

More About Me: Information coming soon!

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