Month: October 2022

It’s that time of year again! Show off your adopted Pet Harbor Rescue superstars! Continue Reading…
Read MoreI went to my forever home on January 7, 2023!
- 11/5/2022 – Pirouette
- 11/5/2022 – Lap Dog
- 10/29/2022 – Play Ball!
- 10/2022 – Meeting a Pup
- 10/2022 – Meeting Another Pup
- 2022 – Meet the Neighbor 1
- 2022 – Meet the Neighbor 2
- 2022 – Meet the Neighbor 3
More About Me: Scratch your head because it’s hard to believe I am the age I’m estimated to be. I am very much like a puppy. Don’t let my age fool you. I don’t act 2. My foster mom thinks I’ve got an awesome personality. The folks at the shelter from which I came think the same. Without hesitation, I have gone up to people with love to give and requests to receive love at first encounter, as if I’ve known them forever & we’re best friends. Then I jump about as my interest is held on one thing for only short periods of time. I’m happy, and I have to go to the next person or the next amusement. Like, there’s a ball in the air. I must go. There’s a noise over there. Gotta go investigate. There’s movement over here. I’m running back over. I may wrap myself around a pole, but I have to go! Toys. I love them. People. I love them more. Oh, there’s joy everywhere for me. When my foster mom pets me on top of my head, I slink down and position my belly for scratches. Every. Time. I keep her laughing. She got the biggest laugh when we were sitting on the porch and there were chainsaw noises in the area. I sat next to my foster mom, pushed against her, and gave soft, quiet barks. I am a funny pup with an awesome personality. Besides that, don’t you think I’m super handsome?
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I went to my forever home on June 25, 2023!
More About Me: You know those dogs who love so much that they block your path because if they’re snoozing in your way and you head towards them, they will go belly up and want you to scratch? That’s the category in which my foster mom says I fall. No pun intended with the word “fall” there. If my foster mom does manage to get past me, I follow her. I’m not a pest or annoying. I give her gentle kisses unless she tells me to go away, at which point I will sit quietly in her exit path and wait for her to return. I am a snuggler, a hugger, a curl-up-in-your-arms kind of gal. At least that’s what my foster mom says. I try to give her hugs while she’s working. Her boss doesn’t like that much, but I don’t care about her boss. I just care about getting all my lovin’. My favorite thing to do with children at my foster home, besides just being with them, is to sit in front of them, swish my tail, and put up one or both paws so they’ll pay attention to me. Then as soon as they do, I slink down into belly-up position. It gets them every time! A win for both of us! Pet Harbor found evidence that in my first home, young as I was, I was used as a breeding machine. Fortunately, I got to leave there. Unfortunately, I left there with heartworm disease, which is caused by a mosquito. Then I ended up in two shelters, then in another home. They took good care of me, but they felt my energy level was too much for them as they were not spring chickens. They then returned me back to the shelter. Then I came to Pet Harbor. While I love the great outdoors since, after all, I am a Siberian husky, at least in my foster home and the home before it, I have been a cuddler and seem to want nothing more than to be belly up with my people on the bed or sofa or wherever we can get cozy.
Read MoreI went to my forever home on December 2, 2022!
***In Heartworm Treatment***
- 10/21/2022 – With a Child
- 10/21/2022 – With Grownups
More About Me: Information coming soon! First, while I am not available now to adopt, you should know I will be available to go to an adoptive home after my treatment for heartworm disease is finished. If my new family is found before my treatment is completed on January 15, 2023, they can foster me until I am finished with treatment and then adopt me if they can get me to my doctor appointments.
Read MoreI went to my forever home on November 5, 2022!
- 10/22/2022 – Merrick & the Football
- 10/16/2022 – Paw?
- 10/16/2022 – Merrick & Sean
- 10/16/2022 – Merrick Meets a Dog
More About Me: First, let me tell you about my comical side. I like to put balls, tennis balls, beach balls, golf balls, all kinds of sports balls, in my mouth. Try giving me a treat while I have a ball in my mouth. You will see the wheels in my brain work as I try to figure out a way to take them both at the exact same time! The other side of me is love. I’m really sweet & gentle, easy to walk. At least that’s what my foster mom thinks. I’m not a powerhouse energy dog like some of these youngsters. For a Siberian, I’m on the easier side to handle. Some say Siberian huskies are high maintenance. I’m not. If you’ve always wanted a Siberian, I’m a super great starter one!
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I went to my forever home on January 28, 2023!
- 1/21/2023 – Outdoors Obedience
- 1/18/2023 – Indoors Obedience
- 11/14/2022 – Nature’s Breakfast
- 11/8/2022 – Mine!
- 11/6/2022 – Inside Playtime
- 11/5/2022 – Outside Playtime
- 11/5/2022 – Dancing
- 11/5/2022 – Formalwear
- 11/5/2022 – Youngster
- 11/5/2022 – Crisscross
- 11/5/2022 – Howdy
- 10/21/2022 – Pets
- 10/16/2022 – Sean & Merrick
More About Me: Before I start telling you what a puppy I am, check out my videos. Am I not The Most Amazing Dog You’ve EVER Met? My super fantastic foster parents have done a truly amazing job with me – in a very short time to boot! Other than having incredible training under my belt, I am a big galoot. That’s me. A puppy. All puppy. I’ll keep you in stitches. Total entertainment. Happy. All. The. Time. Playful. All. The. Time. Sweet and loving all the time, too. I’m happy with people. I’m happy with dogs. I’m equally happy with both. At least that’s how I am in my foster home. Young, handsome, loving, and entertaining. There’s really nothing more you could possibly want. I am the perfect package.
Read MoreI went to my forever home on October 21, 2022!
More About Me: Information coming soon!
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I went to my forever home on December 29, 2022!
- 11/9/2022 – Keep Away
- 10/30/2022 – Three-Ring Circus
- 10/15/2022 – Kisses!
- 10/15/2022 – Tangles
More About Me: What does a puppy do? Puts everything in his mouth. That’s how you know I’m all puppy. I chew! Toys, lots of toys, are the solution. I love them! Also, like Mary’s lamb, I follow you to school one day or wherever you go. At least that’s what i do with my foster mom. It’s pretty cool when she stops her chores and things because then I get cuddles, and I do love cuddles!
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