Pet Harbor Rescue, P.O. Box 73, Bowling Green, VA 22427

(703) 583-HSKY

Month: September 2017

Pet Harbor will have a booth at the Walk for Paws & Pet Festival in Columbia, MD! Continue Reading…

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I went to my forever home on September 30, 2017!

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Age (approx):
1 year old
Birthday (approx):
September 9, 2016
What am I?
Neutered male Siberian Husky
Black & white, brown eyes
40 pounds (as of 9/9/17)
Experience with Children:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with children. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I have interacted with children ages 1 to 4 and have displayed only positive interactions (kisses) to them.
Experience with Cats:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with cats. On 9/24, Pet Harbor performed a test for cat-friendliness. At first, I ignored the cats after an initial sniff fest. In phase 2 of the testing, however, I attempted to bite a cat’s tail. So it is not a good idea for me to live with cats unless they have 9 lives left.
Experience with Dogs:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with dogs. At the shelter, there were no negative incidents in my dog-dog interaction testing. Since I have been at Pet Harbor, there have been no incidents with other dogs. I have engaged in play quite a bit with other dogs. All of the dogs in my foster home are around my size.
Energy Level:
Owner Aptitude Level:
Named for 9/11 Victim:
I was named for Edward T. Keane.
For the crime of running at large, I landed in an animal shelter. After serving my time, I came to Pet Harbor.
Coming soon!


Dream Home Minimum Requirements: So if you want to see my resume, I am happy to show it to you. On it, you will find that I have moved up the ranks to become Director of Recreation, at which I excel. Lest you think my head is swollen, please know I am modest! I’m also a dapper young fellow. There’s a bit of swagger in my step. My friends say I should model for CQ (Canine Quarterly, not to be confused with GQ, Gentlemen’s Quarterly, though both are about fashion and style). Kinda odd to me to be paid for something innate, but maybe it’s a good idea since I do need money for food. You see, I am emaciated, but I’m working on changing that! After all, the most stylish people in the world don’t have ribs showing! So back to my job. I love to play. My management style is to teach by doing. So when I play, will you play with me? My uniqueness is just the most adorable thing in the world. I put my paw up and circle it around, like I’m shaking hands, but I do it just to be cute. See? I told you I am stylish!

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I went to my forever home on October 21, 2017!

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1 year old
November 17, 2015
What am I?
Spayed female Siberian Husky
Black & white woolly, blue eyes
54 pounds (as of 9/14/17)
Experience with Children:
Pet Harbor was told at my former home, where I lived since I was a puppy, I lived with 3 children currently ages 9 through 15. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I have interacted with children ages 1 to 4 and have displayed only positive interactions (kisses) to them.
Experience with Cats:
Pet Harbor was told at my former home, where I lived since I was a puppy, there were no other pets. On 10/13/17, Pet Harbor performed a test for cat-friendliness. A cat hissed & swatted at me. I did not react. Another cat ran towards me. I actually moved away. So at least initial testing has shown I should be able to live with kitties.
Experience with Dogs:
Pet Harbor was told at my former home, where I lived since I was a puppy, there were no other pets. However, it was reported I went to doggie daycare and engaged in two fights there. No further information was disclosed except that I continued to attend the daycare. At the shelter, there were no negative incidents in my dog-dog interaction testing. Since I have been at Pet Harbor, there have been no incidents with other dogs. I have not engaged in play with other dogs, but I have allowed other dogs to sniff me without reacting. All of the dogs in my foster home are around my size.
Energy Level:
Prior owner reported my energy level as high. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I have not exhibited high energy level, but I seem to be a bit unsure why I have become homeless.
Owner Aptitude Level:
Named for 9/11 Victim:
I was named for Robert T. Lane.
My former humans relinquished me to a Virginia county animal shelter. Although I belonged to them since I left my breeder as a pup, they decided I have too much energy for them to care for me. My energy level didn’t change. So whatever the real reasoning was, I became homeless and sad. I then was transferred to Pet Harbor Rescue, where I wait for a family who will love me forever, not just when it is convenient. I was adopted, but I was returned one week later because our human could not handle the behavior as the dog who was in the home when I got there and I fought. Since coming back to foster care, I have not engaged in any fighting whatsoever.
  1. 10/28/17 – Cougar

Dream Home Minimum Requirements: I’m a cheap date. Diamonds might be a girl’s best friend and food might be the way to a man’s heart, but my best friend and the way to my heart is tennis balls. I won’t sit for treats, but I will for a tennis ball! A happy girl, I really love people. I did not minor in humanology, though. I actually have a double major: tennisology and humanology. You can’t have one without the other. In the summertime, though, I have another best friend: playing with water sprinklers. So if you are ready to give me a permanent home, will allow me to hug and kiss you, and have a tennis ball or two, I’m ready. Let’s go home!

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I went to my forever home on October 7, 2017!

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Age (approx):
1 year old
Birthday (approx):
August 30, 2016
What am I?
Spayed female Siberian Husky
Grey & white, brown eyes
32 pounds (as of 8/30/17)
Experience with Children:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with children except that the shelter from which I came said I am good with children. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I have interacted with children ages 1 to 4 and have displayed only positive interactions (kisses) to them. I even let the 1yo pet me while I tore up a toy. However, like many Siberian puppies, I mouth, and my teeth are sharp. So when I get into that play mode, it’s not a great idea for babies to be around me to be mouthed.
Experience with Cats:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with cats. On 9/24, Pet Harbor performed a test for cat-friendliness. I sniffed the kitties and then mostly ignored them.
Experience with Dogs:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with dogs. At the shelter, there were no negative incidents in my dog-dog interaction testing. Since I have been at Pet Harbor, there have been no incidents with other dogs. I have engaged in play minimally with other dogs. All of the dogs in my foster home are around my size.
Energy Level:
Owner Aptitude Level:
Young Northern breed experience preferred
Named for 9/11 Victim:
I was named for Andrew Knox.
Running at large, I landed in an animal shelter. I got adopted. I escaped that home four times in a week, and they returned me to the shelter. We don’t know what size fence they had or if they even had a fence. What we do know is that I am a Siberian Husky, and escapism is part of my breed. So this time I came to Pet Harbor.
Coming soon!


Dream Home Minimum Requirements: If you want to see a different result, why do you do the same thing and expect anything to be different? How is it possible I got adopted and escaped four times in a week? The first time, okay, that one was an accident. I am a Siberian Husky. We escape. The second one might cause a raised eyebrow. But the third? And the fourth? Come on. Let’s do it differently this time. I am a cutie patootie. I need either (a) a home with no fence but where my people will always take me out on leash, (b) a home where my people will always supervise me outside or (c) a home with a tall fence. I also need a person or people who like to cuddle. Maybe I am really not escaping. Maybe I just like to go on vacation. Got an RV?

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I went to my forever home on September 16, 2017!

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Age (approx):
1 year old
Birthday (approx):
August 19, 2016
What am I?
Spayed female Siberian Husky
Red & white, blue eyes
31 pounds (as of 8/29/17)
Experience with Children:
My history with children is unknown. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I have interacted with children ages 4 and under. At first, I barked and backed away. Now that I have been with Pet Harbor a few days, I seem a bit more relaxed, and I keep kissing the children (and adults). I do need to learn manners because when I take food from their hands, I take their fingers with the food!
Experience with Cats:
My history with cats is unknown. Pet Harbor has performed two tests for cat-friendliness. I am curious about those strange creatures, but they don’t hold my focus and I have not tried to harm them.
Experience with Dogs:
Pet Harbor was told I am good with other dogs. Pet Harbor’s experience with me so far has been I pretty much ignore the other dogs and try to get as close as I can to the people.
Energy Level:
Owner Aptitude Level:
Young Northern breed experience preferred
Named for 9/11 Victim:
I was named for Michael G. Arczynski.
Running at large, I landed in a shelter. That shelter transferred me to another shelter. The second shelter transferred me to Pet Harbor. It’s time for me to find my one last home and stop playing hopscotch with my life.
Coming soon!


Dream Home Minimum Requirements: A quieter home would be the best for me. Perhaps I could live in a library. Learning to read might be a good thing for me. Groceries would be good, too. I’m unsure about things because I have been shuffled around so much. I need to get one place and stay there. I need one family, one home, and to stay put. Being shuffled around made me not want to eat and has made me apprehensive. Once I am sure of things, I love everybody. I literally speak, asking to be with my people. My favorite human is the man of the house, but I give soft kisses to the children. And they want to play with me because I am so little. So there you have it. Are you ready to let me have some time to settle in and be your mini teddy bear?

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