I went to my forever home on September 13, 2019!
November 15, 2010
What am I?
Spayed female Siberian Husky
Black & white, blue eyes
54 pounds (as of 4/12/19)
Experience with Children:
The only recent experience with children is with a 10yo neighbor. Prior history was with children of ages 3-8. All positive interactions. In my excitement, small children would get knocked down. My curiosity gets to me when an adult is holding a child. So I have to jump up to see the little one to be close enough to sniff and give kisses.
Experience with Cats:
My history with cats is nonexistent. Because my parents knew about my breed’s prey drive, they kept me as far away from any cats as they could. I do chase squirrels. On 8/17/19, Pet Harbor evaluated me for cat-friendliness. The answer is I see them as breakfast, lunch, and snack. Dinner should be four-course, not feline-course. Cats cannot live with me. Don’t worry. No kitty was harmed during this evaluation.
Experience with Dogs:
My experience with other dogs is I just want to play! While Pet Harbor’s observations have been favorable, they may not translate to all dogs under all circumstances.
Energy Level:
Owner Aptitude Level:
Northern breed experience preferred
I had a wonderful home with a mom, dad, and a Siberian “brother” named Dante (Pet Harbor’s Saint), also available for adoption. Then my dad suddenly was taken from us. He died in a car crash. My mom loves us, but it’s a struggle for her to survive herself, much less take care of us.
More About Me: Never having met a stranger, I am everyone’s friend. My name is Isis because the Egyptian goddess Isis loved everybody, protected children, healed the sick, and was the goddess of life & magic. Well, I don’t know about magic, but the rest of that fits me. I love everybody. Everybody is my best friend. I am the goddess of life, and I will heal what ails you. And talk. Yes, I talk. I am a chatterbox, they say. I will sometimes talk your ear off with what I have to say. Once you give me attention, I will promptly roll over for belly rubs. I have also learned that a crossed leg means an open foot for pets. I know commands for sit & down by hand gesture and talk, wait, and dance. True to my breed, though, if there’s an open door, I’m gone on the first thing smokin’. If there is no door open, I’ll try to push one open! Since I don’t play Monopoly and I sometimes need a “Get Out of Jail Free!” card, I will lay my head on your leg as an attempt to get said card. The way to my heart is through popcorn and smoothies, and my favorite vegetable is summer squash.