I went to my forever home on February 1, 2020!
More About Me: The cutest tail wag in the universe. That’s what I have. It’s a good complement to my sweetness. Soft & sweet. I make you want to wrap me in a blanket to cuddle me like a baby. I have a shyness I need to overcome. Once I get into a stable home, that should be the place it starts. My beginnings have brought me to this place where I find trusting difficult. When people approach me, I turn and run. But if the people are accompanied by a dog, I will cautiously go towards them. Dogs are what will bring me out of my shell, which is why Pet Harbor believes the best home for me will be where at least one other dog around my size lives. As for house manners, if I know them, I have trouble using them. I have more important things on my mind. My focus is on trying to feel secure. Maybe you are the person who can help me?