I went to my forever home on May 17, 2020!
Age (approx):
5 years old
Birthday (approx):
November 16, 2014
What am I?
Neutered male Siberian Husky
Black & white, one blue eye, one parti eye (both blue & brown in the same eye)
38 pounds (as of 4/21/2020)
Experience with Children:
Information coming soon.
Experience with Cats:
After I was rescued and before I came to Pet Harbor, I was introduced to cats in my temporary foster home. All of those interactions were positive. Siberian Huskies tend to have a strong prey instinct and often show extreme, even fatal, aggression towards cats. Even if our evaluation is favorable, it may not translate to all cats under all circumstances.
Experience with Dogs:
My experience is I get along great with other dogs, despite size & gender differences.
Energy Level:
Owner Aptitude Level:
Named for 9/11 Victim:
I was named for Samuel Robert Salvo, Jr.
Along with several others available for adoption, we came from a horrible beginning, yet are amazingly grateful for love. Thankfully, we were seized by the authorities. Our humans were put in jail. We went to the shelter, then the SPCA, and then came to Pet Harbor, each an important piece of our journey to safety. Read more about our beginning, including watching a video, at https://www.wcnc.com/article/life/animals/25-huskies-recovering-after-living-in-awful-conditions/275-0ff0da89-97fb-472e-a7be-afc6d28b58bc.
Coming soon!
More About Me: Information coming soon!