Pet Harbor Rescue, P.O. Box 73, Bowling Green, VA 22427

(703) 583-HSKY

Vander – Adopted!

I went to my forever home on February 20, 2021!

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Age (approx):
7 years old
Birthday (approx):
July 5, 2013
What am I?
Neutered male Siberian husky
Red & white, blue eyes
60 pounds (as of 2/10/2021)
Experience with Children:
Information coming soon.
Experience with Cats:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with cats. On 2/6/2021, Pet Harbor introduced me to a kitty. A video will be posted below to show you the interaction
Experience with Dogs:
I lived with a female Siberian from 2014 to 2020. At this time, Pet Harbor is requiring I live with another dog because I am confused about what has happened to me, losing my first lady Siberian a few years ago, then Dad getting me a new lady Siberian, then Dad passing away suddenly. I find comfort having another dog to follow, a dog who is confident.
Energy Level:
Owner Aptitude Level:
Experience required
Named for 9/11 Victim:
I was named for Jon C. Vandevander.
For the crime of running at large, I landed myself in a doggie jail in 2014. I then came to Pet Harbor. I then found a wonderful dad & home I shared with Pet Harbor’s Lorraine. When Lorraine passed away, Dad & I adopted Pet Harbor’s Starita. Sadly, Dad passed away suddenly in September of 2020. Fortunately, though, he had caring friends who made sure Starita and I got returned to Pet Harbor.
  1. 2/10/2021 – Meow Mixer
  2. 12/6/2020 – Congregating
  3. 10/3/2020 – Looking for my dad
  4. 2014 – With my girl!

More About Me: You can see below in 2014, when I first came to Pet Harbor, I had some hesitancies & nervousness. Then my Dad found me. I fell in love with my Dad, and he called me his good boy. I got rid of a lot of the nervousness because I was secure with my Dad. For six years, I had a really happy home & wonderful Pop. I was happy, calmer, less needy. Then one day Dad just wouldn’t move. I didn’t understand. I stayed right by his side until other people made me vacate. My world fell apart. All of my prior nervousness surfaced. So it will take me some time to build the confidence again. I just don’t understand why Dad left us or why I went back to my former foster parents. Where did Dad go? When Dad would take us for walks, I always shoved Starita out of the way. I had to be first! It was a cute game we played. We also played a similar game at bedtime. Whoever could get on the bed first blocked the other one. I’m sure you could hear the winner say, “Nana nana boo boo.” By the way, Dad renamed me Ryka & Starita Shila. Another thing about me – I always smile. Always.

My 2014 bio: The most important thing you need to know about me is I love my foster mom to pieces. I will love my new mom to pieces. Dad, not so much. My foster dad bah humbugs all the attention I give my foster mom. I think he’s jealous. Don’t you? When he has treats, I pay attention to him . . . long enough to get the treats anyway! And when he bikes with me, I pay attention. What more could he want? I’ll stick with Foster Mom! Whenever she calls, Vander listens! Wherever she goes, Vander follows! I lean in for belly rubs and attention. I really don’t pull, and I have some smarts about me. I do have some fears that cause me a bit of concern sometimes. If I am startled, for example, you may see me jump out of my skin. When I do, I might get snappy. I haven’t bitten anyone, but because there is the chance my snap could end up that way, I can’t live with young children. Stability is something I really need since the instability of my life has caused my hesitancy & uncertainty so far. I must tell you a secret. I love salmon treats. Maybe you could take me fishing in Alaska or just go catch me a salmon up there or even at the local supermarket if plans A and B didn’t suit you?