
Pet Harbor Rescue, P.O. Box 73, Bowling Green, VA 22427

(703) 583-HSKY info@petharbor.org

Marian – Adopted!

I went to my forever home on December 11, 2021!

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Age (approx):
1 year old
Birthday (approx):
November 4, 2020
What am I?
Spayed female Siberian husky
Red & white, one blue eye, one parti eye (both blue & brown in the same eye)
40 pounds (as of 10/14/21)
Experience with Children:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with children. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I have met children of various ages. All of my interactions with them have been great.
Experience with Cats:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with cats. On 10/28/2021, they introduced me to two cats. With one, I pulled the leash to get to the cat, but I was pretty easily distracted. With the second one, I maintained an unbreakable focus. For the cats’ safety, Pet Harbor discontinued the introduction. Siberian huskies tend to have a strong prey instinct and often show extreme, even fatal, aggression towards cats. Even if our evaluation is favorable, it may not translate to all cats under all circumstances.
Experience with Dogs:
At the shelter, I was introduced to a female dog and did well with her. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I have met multiple dogs, all around my size. All of my interactions have been positive.
Energy Level:
Owner Aptitude Level:
Named for 9/11 Victim:
I was named for Marian "Marty" Hrycak.
Running at large, I landed in a county animal shelter. From there, I came to Pet Harbor.
  1. 11/11/2021 – Belly Up!
  2. 11/11/2021 – Orange Squeaky Bone
  3. 10/21/2021 – Two in One

More About Me: In the words of Anne Sullivan Macy, “You can’t touch love, but you can feel the sweetness that it pours into everything.” I am that sweetness. I pour my sweetness into everything. Everything about me is sweetness. I really am super sweet, like a honeypot. I will cuddle up in your arms if you let me. Don’t get me wrong. I am also quite playful. I also can be in my own little world, especially if you give me Orange Squeaky Bone (See my pictures.). Orange Squeaky Bone is my BFF, and when Orange is with me, there is nothing else. Back to my sweetness, did you notice I have half a tail? Isn’t that not the sweetest little thing ever? If you think that’s sweet, you should see me in my happiness. I wag my little half tail at top speed. And it is an “Awww” moment. My veterinarian thinks I was born with half a tail. You shouldn’t mind. I don’t miss something I never had!