Pet Harbor Rescue, P.O. Box 73, Bowling Green, VA 22427

(703) 583-HSKY

Month: February 2022

I went to my forever home on March 26, 2022!

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7 months old
August 24, 2021
What am I?
Neutered male Siberian husky
Black & white, brown eyes
40 pounds (as of 3/21/2022)
Experience with Children:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with children. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I have met children up to age 9. I have been fine with them. I am a puppy. So I’m like a child myself.
Experience with Cats:
If Pet Harbor is able to introduce me to cats, the information learned will be posted here. Siberian huskies tend to have a strong prey instinct and often show extreme, even fatal, aggression towards cats. Even if Pet Harbor’s evaluation is favorable, it may not translate to all cats under all circumstances.
Experience with Dogs:
When I was introduced to dogs at the shelter prior to coming to Pet Harbor, my interaction was fine. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I have been very playful with all other dogs.
Energy Level:
Owner Aptitude Level:
Young Northern breed experience preferred
Named for 9/11 Victim:
I was named for Timothy Brian Higgins.
Running at large, I found myself in a county shelter. Because I have a microchip, my owner was located, but my owner indicated she had given me away because she lived in an apartment, and Siberian husky puppies and apartments are not a good combination. No other owner was located. So I came to Pet Harbor.
  1. 2/26/2022 – Boys Just Want to Have Fun
  2. 2/26/2022 – Learning
  3. 2/26/2022 – Run, Be Free!
  4. 2/27/2022 – Zoom!

More About Me: The best dogs are those with an occupation. I have an occupation. Well, it’s really a career because I plan to do it throughout my life. I am a storm cleaner. So when branches fall from the trees or sky as it appears to me, I feel as if I’ve struck gold. Those branches, twigs, and limbs are my treasures. I carry them in my mouth all the time, until I decide to pulverize them. It’s called recycling. It’s good for the environment. Maybe I’ll call my company Green Higgins. Wait. What about Green Eggs and Ham? That sounds delicious. Oh, that’s already taken. Heck. Who needs a name anyway? If you look at my picture, I am always smiling. And, by the way, I am a puppy and all that entails. Back to my smiles. I’m either always carrying a stick or a smile. But if you look really closely at a picture or video of me with a stick, maybe, just maybe, you will see sometimes I do both. Amazing, huh? Are you my amazing new family?

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I went to my forever home on February 27, 2022!

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Age (approx):
3 months old
Birthday (approx):
December 3, 2021
What am I?
Neutered male Siberian husky
Black & white, one blue eye, one parti eye (both blue & brown in the same eye)
15 pounds (as of 2/11/22)
Experience with Children:
I have been great with all children I’ve met. I’m one of them.
Experience with Cats:
Pet Harbor does not place young puppies to live with cats because Siberian huskies commonly are not cat-friendly as they age. To homes where cats live, Pet Harbor only places older Siberian huskies who have been introduced to cats and shown a positive reaction to them.
Experience with Dogs:
When I was introduced to dogs at the shelter, my interaction was fine. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I have been very playful with all other dogs.
Energy Level:
Owner Aptitude Level:
Young Northern breed experience preferred
Named for 9/11 Victim:
I was turned into a shelter by my owner because a neighbor dog attacked me and my owner decided rather than pay for medical care, it was easier just to put me in a shelter and let someone else do it. From there, I came to Pet Harbor.
Coming soon!

More About Me: Information coming soon.

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I went to my forever home on June 5, 2022!

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1-1/2 years old
August 29, 2020
What am I?
Neutered male Siberian husky
Black & white, blue eyes
55 pounds (as of 2/8/22)
Experience with Children:
Since coming to Pet Harbor, I have met children up to age 8. I have been great with them. I especially like that they like to play with toys with me.
Experience with Cats:
On 2/26/2022, Pet Harbor introduced me to cats. I immediately went into a stiffened and focused posture. So Pet Harbor ended the test and would assume I would harm kitties.
Experience with Dogs:
When I was introduced to dogs at the shelter before coming to Pet Harbor, my interaction was fine. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I seem to be the one who is picked on. I just want to be friends with everybody, but they don’t always want to be friends with me. So I stay away when that happens. I do not like when other dogs come up to my crate door, though.
Energy Level:
Owner Aptitude Level:
Named for 9/11 Victim:
I was named for Myrna T. Maldonado-Agosto.
Running at large, I landed in a county animal shelter. Because I was microchipped, my owners were found, but they didn’t come to get me. So my next stop was Pet Harbor.
  1. 5/4/2022 – My Throne
  2. 5/4/2022 – Perimeter
  3. 4/30/2022 – Enticing Play
  4. 4/28/2022 – BFFs
  5. 4/15/2022 – Playtime
  6. 4/09/2022 – Fun With the Buds
  7. 4/06/2022 – Couch Gator
  8. 4/05/2022 – Conversing
  9. 3/1/2022 – Playground
  10. 2/28/2022 – The Way We Are
  11. 2/28/2022 – Christmas in February
  12. 2/14/2022 – Playthings
  13. 2/11/2022 – Boy, Oh, Boy, A Toy
  14. 2/11/2022 – Howdy

More About Me: My first foster mom called me Agosto Galoot. I’m a big, goofy galoot who gives slobbery kisses. I’m tall and lanky, need some groceries, and love people. That really describes all there is to me. I’m a happy boy, easy and clumsy, but I’m good, too, not a bad boy like some clumsy oafs. My second foster mom nicknamed me Gus, which is a fitting name for me. As for dogs, I seem to like playing with them, but, really, I prefer people and above people, maybe even toys. I like people so much I go out of my way to make sure they greet me. Like a politician, I have to kiss all the babies, but since I’m not a politician, I don’t stop there. I have to kiss all the people, and I do not discriminate! I’m an easy keeper. In fact, if you don’t do laundry enough, I will be a good boy and remind you by depositing articles of clothing throughout the house!

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I went to my forever home on March 5, 2022!

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Age (approx):
1 year old
Birthday (approx):
November 11, 2020
What am I?
Spayed female Siberian husky
Grey & white, blue eyes
37 pounds (as of 2/7/22)
Experience with Children:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with children. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I have met children up to age 8. I’ve had no negative interactions with them. I haven’t shown a great interest in playing with them, but I have played with and interacted with them.
Experience with Cats:
On 2/26/2022, Pet Harbor introduced me to cats. The cats are now on strike. I had a pretty strong reaction to them and not in a good way. My reaction to rabbits was even worse. I cannot safely live with small animals.
Experience with Dogs:
I came from a house with lots of dogs. Before coming to Pet Harbor, I was introduced to a female dog at the shelter. My interaction was playful. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I have met multiple dogs, all Siberian huskies. I have had great interactions with some, but ganging up with other dogs, I have jumped on a couple of them. I haven’t been the ringleader, but I’m the drum majorette out in front with the baton.
Energy Level:
Owner Aptitude Level:
Young Northern breed experience preferred
Named for 9/11 Victim:
I was named for Kevin Denni.
Along with other dogs, including Vega and Strada, also available for adoption, I was impounded by a county shelter. From there, I came to Pet Harbor.
Coming soon!

More About Me: You know those dogs who are so always exuberant, there is no way you can be sad around them? That’s me. Not for a second will I let you be down, not one second. I’m always upbeat. I delight in life. Some dogs take on the moods of their humans. If humans are sad, they are sad. If humans relax, they relax. That ain’t me. I’m going to be up all the time, regardless what you are. So lest you think you can be sad or retrospective, best think again because we’re going dancing. I’m going to jump in your arms to give & get kisses in between my jumping and running and playing. Toys haven’t really interested me in my foster home. I’m all about the people. They’re my favorite toys.

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I went to my forever home on June 11, 2022!

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Age (approx):
3 years old
Birthday (approx):
January 11, 2019
What am I?
Spayed female Siberian husky
Black & white, brown eyes
52 pounds (as of 1/11/22)
Experience with Children:
Since coming to Pet Harbor, I have met children up to age 9. I have been playful and sweet to all the children I’ve met. In fact, I have gone from sleep to full animation, wagging my whole body and kissing, and giving paw when I’ve seen a child, things I haven’t readily done with grownups.
Experience with Cats:
On 2/13/2022, Pet Harbor introduced me to cats. I paid zero attention to them. I’ve been with them almost daily since & have had no negative interactions with them. Siberian huskies tend to have a strong prey instinct and often show extreme, even fatal, aggression towards cats. Even if Pet Harbor’s evaluation is favorable, it may not translate to all cats under all circumstances.
Experience with Dogs:
I came from a house with lots of dogs. When I was introduced to dogs at the shelter, my interaction was fine. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I have been fine with most other dogs.
Energy Level:
Owner Aptitude Level:
Named for 9/11 Victim:
I was named for Thomas Strada.
Along with other dogs, including Denni, who found her home already; and Vega, also available for adoption, I was impounded by a county shelter. From there, I came to Pet Harbor.
  1. 3/18/2022 – Toys & Joys
  2. 3/16/2022 – My Diamonds

More About Me: My two favorite things in this world are children and food. Okay. We can’t really predict the world, but in my foster home, those are the cat’s meow. Next on the list? More children, more food. I’m haven’t been very picky about either. I have really adored all children I’ve met since coming to foster care. Well, truth be told, I also in my foster home really adore food, too. Any food. All food. My waistline actually reveals that problem. Of course, I’ve played with every toy I’ve encountered as well, but when given a child or a toy, I’ve picked a child every time. I’ve been a little skittish around some grownups, but they’re so big! I seem to prefer the ones near my size: children. My foster mom believes my idea of the best home in the universe is one with children in highchairs. Yum! They can have kisses galore, and I can have whatever food they drop!

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I went to my forever home on February 13, 2022!

Photos of Leanne coming soon!

Age (approx):
10 months old
Birthday (approx):
April 2, 2021
What am I?
Spayed female Siberian husky
Black & white, blue eyes
51 pounds (as of 1/22/22)
Experience with Children:
I am brand new to Pet Harbor. When more information is learned, it will be posted here.
Experience with Cats:
I am brand new to Pet Harbor. When more information is learned, it will be posted here. However, one of the reasons I am homeless is because I chased cats. Siberian huskies tend to have a strong prey instinct and often show extreme, even fatal, aggression towards cats. Even if Pet Harbor’s evaluation is favorable, it may not translate to all cats under all circumstances.
Experience with Dogs:
I am brand new to Pet Harbor. When I was introduced to dogs at the shelter, my interaction was fine. When more information is learned, it will be posted here.
Energy Level:
Owner Aptitude Level:
Young Northern breed experience preferred
Named for 9/11 Victim:
I was named for Leanne Marie Whiteside.
I was surrendered to a county shelter by my owners because the landlord didn’t allow me there. From there, I was adopted. I was returned to the shelter the following day because I chased the cats. From there, I came to Pet Harbor.
Coming soon!

More About Me: Information coming soon!

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