Pet Harbor Rescue, P.O. Box 73, Bowling Green, VA 22427

(703) 583-HSKY


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Age (approx):
3 years old
Birthday (approx):
December 6, 2020
What am I?
Neutered male Siberian husky
Black & white wooly, blue eyes
64 pounds (as of 8/27/2024)
Experience with Children:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with children. I am brand new to Pet Harbor. I have met an 8-year-old child since coming to Pet Harbor, and I was great with her. When more information is learned, it will be posted here.
Experience with Cats:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with cats. On 8/27/2024, Pet Harbor briefly introduced me to cats. I sniffed and went on my merry way. A bit later, I seemed more interested but also was easily distracted. Bottom line: Pet Harbor cannot say definitively I am good with cats, but there is hope. When more information is learned, it will be posted here.
Experience with Dogs:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with dogs except that I was great with them when evaluated in a shelter before coming to Pet Harbor. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I’ve been great with the dogs I’ve met. I’ve immediately engaged in play with all of them. They are all around my size. There is a male in my foster home who ruffles his feathers. I won’t engage. I walk away from him. Wouldn’t it be great if humans would learn that trick?
Energy Level:
Owner Aptitude Level:
Named for 9/11 Victim:
I was named for Stuart Seid Louis.
Running at large, I landed in an animal shelter. The shelter found my owner, who did not retrieve me. From there, I came to Pet Harbor.
  1. 9/6/2024 – Ring Around the Fella

More About Me: Information coming soon!