Pet Harbor Rescue, P.O. Box 73, Bowling Green, VA 22427

(703) 583-HSKY

Month: September 2021

I went to my forever home on December 16, 2021!

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Age (approx):
1 year old
Birthday (approx):
August 6, 2020
What am I?
Spayed female Siberian husky
Grey & white, blue eyes
47 pounds (as of 8/23/2021)
Experience with Children:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with children. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I have met children up to age 8 and have been fine with them. My energy level is high, and I can knock over small children.
Experience with Cats:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with cats. On 9/12/2021, Pet Harbor introduced me to cats. I ignored them. On 11/21/2021, Pet Harbor reintroduced me to cats.
At first, I ignored the kitty. Then kitty moved. Then I focused on kitty, and it was hard for people to hold me back. Then a second kitty came into the room, and I attempted to bite the kitty. So for kitty safety, I can’t live with them.
Experience with Dogs:
At the shelter, I was introduced to a female dog and did well with her. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I have met multiple dogs, all around my size. I have been great with them.
Energy Level:
Owner Aptitude Level:
Young Northern breed experience preferred
Named for 9/11 Victim:
I was named for Monica Anne Lyons.
For the crime of running at large, I landed in an animal shelter. From there, I came to Pet Harbor.
  1. 9/18/2021 – Carpet
  2. 9/18/2021 – Circle of Love
  3. 9/18/2021 – Being Fed
  4. 9/18/2021 – Hurry Up, Yo!
  5. 9/18/2021 – All Toys
  6. 9/18/2021 – Toys
  7. 9/12/2021 – Monica Kisses
  8. 8/19/2021 – Monica Meets Dog

More About Me: No happier dog exists. I truly am the happiest dog in the East, West, North, and South, bar none. And I have the energy level behind that happiness to prove it. I am bouncy and jumpy and full of love. I spread love like flower girls spread flowers. And I leave pieces of my love everywhere. The little girl in my foster home thinks I spread too much love because I knock her down with my exuberance. The little boy thinks I’m da bomb, though! I’m very playful. If you’re looking for a sedentary dog, that’s not me. Well, if you’re seated, I can be gentle, but if you’re walking, I’m untying your shoelaces! I’m a lot of dog. Well, I’m not really a dog. I’m G.O.A.T. (Greatest of All Time!) I’m not modest. I’m just happy!

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I went to my forever home on September 25, 2021!

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Age (approx):
11 years old
Birthday (approx):
May 11, 2010
What am I?
Neutered male Siberian husky
Red & white, brown eyes
54.5 pounds (as of 6/2/2021)
Experience with Children:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with children. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I have met children of all ages. While I’m not yet trusting enough to go to humans for petting, they can come to me & pet me. I even gave kisses to one child. I’m learning!
Experience with Cats:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with cats. On 9/12/2021, Pet Harbor introduced me to cats. I paid no attention to them. Even when one meanie swatted my nose & made me bleed, I didn’t react. Siberian huskies tend to have a strong prey instinct and often show extreme, even fatal, aggression towards cats. Even if our evaluation is favorable, it may not translate to all cats under all circumstances.
Experience with Dogs:
In my former “home,” I lived with other dogs. Pet Harbor doesn’t know how much interaction all of the dogs had because we mostly lived in crates, but for 19 months, I’ve been in the animal shelter awaiting the day in court for our “owners.” There, I did have some interaction with the other two pooches who spent the time with me and came from the same “home,” Adderley & Malissa, also available for adoption. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I am fostered with other Siberians and have had no issues with them. It’s very similar to the other dogs Pet Harbor has had who came from the same circumstance. We all seem to have shyness to varying degrees, no aggression, dog-friendliness, and cat-friendliness.
Energy Level:
Owner Aptitude Level:
Shy dog experience preferred
Named for 9/11 Victim:
I was named for John Bentley Works.
Several Siberians, including me, came from a horrible beginning, yet are amazingly grateful for love. Thankfully, we were seized by the authorities. Our humans were put in jail. We went to the shelter, then the SPCA, and then came to Pet Harbor, each an important piece of our journey to safety. Fortunately, we were taken from our “home.” Unfortunately, Malissa, Adderley, and I have spent the last 19 months in the shelter because our “owners” would not sign over the 3 of us. NINETEEN MONTHS LATER, our jail sentence ended, and we got freedom. To read more about our beginning, including watching a video, click here.

More About Me: Additional information coming soon. The one major thing to learn about me is my shyness. My history taught me to be cautious. Not only am I learning to be a dog, but I’m also learning basic life. If your life began as mine did, you’d be the same way. We all lived through our hard beginning, which is an amazing feat in and of itself. We’re learning and growing, and for some of us, it will take a while. Because of what I had to live through, trusting people is new to me. I am sweet. It’s not that I don’t want love. It’s that I don’t know what love is. I’m learning! In my time at the shelter, I got my first lessons in learning how to be loved. I am learning a lot and continue to progress. The more distance I put between the situation from which I came and me, the more things improve for me. I didn’t understand how to be normal, how to do most things that come naturally to the majority of dogs. My home needs to be with people with patience, gentleness, understanding, and full of lots of love to give me. Oh, before I forget, my former “owners” said I’m 12. The vet says I’m about 11. Progress is progress, but it takes baby steps to get there. The rewards to humans are immense when a shy dog trusts. The journey to that point is taken by people who are kind, patient, knowledgeable, and understanding. Is that you?

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I went to my forever home on February 13, 2022!

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Age (approx):
6 years old
Birthday (approx):
February 11, 2016
What am I?
Spayed female Siberian husky
Grey & white, bi-eyed (one blue eye, one brown eye)
53 pounds (as of 9/8/2021)
Experience with Children:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with children. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I have met children up to age 8. While I’m not yet trusting enough to go to humans for petting, they can come to me & pet me. Loudness & quick movements frighten me, but I’m learning!
Experience with Cats:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with cats. On 9/12/2021, Pet Harbor introduced me to cats. I totally ignored them. I have been fostered on a daily basis since with cats and have had zero issues with them. Siberian huskies tend to have a strong prey instinct and often show extreme, even fatal, aggression towards cats. Even if our evaluation is favorable, it may not translate to all cats under all circumstances.
Experience with Dogs:
In my former “home,” I lived with other dogs. Pet Harbor doesn’t know how much interaction all of the dogs had because we mostly lived in crates, but for 19 months, I’ve been in the animal shelter awaiting the day in court for our “owners.” There, I did have some interaction with the other two pooches who spent the time with me and came from the same “home,” Bentley & Malissa, who have already found their forever homes. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I am fostered with other Siberians and have had no issues with them. I even enjoyed when a litter of puppies got fostered with me. They seemed to think I was Auntie Addie. I didn’t mind. My behavior with other dogs is very similar to the other dogs Pet Harbor has had who came from the same circumstance. We all seem to have shyness to varying degrees, no aggression, dog-friendliness, and cat-friendliness. My shyness seems to be more profound than some of the others.
Energy Level:
Owner Aptitude Level:
Shy dog experience required
Named for 9/11 Victim:
Several Siberians, including me, came from a horrible beginning, yet are amazingly grateful for love. Thankfully, we were seized by the authorities. Our humans were put in jail. We went to the shelter, then the SPCA, and then came to Pet Harbor, each an important piece of our journey to safety. Fortunately, we were taken from our “home.” Unfortunately, Malissa, Bentley, and I have spent the last 19 months in the shelter because our “owners” would not sign over the 3 of us. NINETEEN MONTHS LATER, our jail sentence ended, and we got freedom. To read more about our beginning, including watching a video, click here.
  1. 1/22/2022 – Addie Fear
  2. 9/11/2021 – Adderley Fears
  3. 9/11/2021 – Adderley’s Get Out of Jail Card
  4. 8/10/2021 – Playtime at the Shelter
  5. 8/10/2021 – Innocent Victims

More About Me: The one major thing to learn about me is my shyness. My history taught me to be cautious. Not only am I learning to be a dog, but I’m also learning basic life. I am afraid. And I will occasionally growl softly under my breath until I learn to trust you, which may take a very long time. Let’s be clear. I’ve not tried to hurt anyone. I’m just afraid. I will put my nose up to you and give kisses sometimes. I’m scared, but I’m learning. Boy, do the people caring for me wish I could tell them what happened to me in my previous life. I seem to do better with another dog from the same seizure. So if you’ve adopted a dog from the Lancaster Co, SC seizure, maybe I’m the right next dog for you! I am more than willing to learn without another dog from the seizure. It just may take a long time for me to trust you. If your life began as mine did, you’d be the same way. We all lived through our hard beginning, which is an amazing feat in and of itself. We’re learning and growing, and for some of us, it will take a while. Because of what I had to live through, trusting people is new to me. I am sweet. It’s not that I don’t want love. It’s that I don’t know what love is. I’m learning! I do give kisses. In my time at the shelter, I got my first lessons in learning how to be loved. I am learning a lot and continue to progress. The more distance I put between the situation from which I came and me, the more things improve for me but very, very slowly. I didn’t understand how to be normal, how to do most things that come naturally to the majority of dogs.

Some examples of how my prior life taught me to be: I believe you are supposed to live in a crate. So while my foster family leaves my crate door open, I choose to stay there. After several months there, I will put my front paws outside the crate, but I can’t bring myself to put all four paws out. When you take me outside to the bathroom, I am afraid and just want to go back inside because that’s all I knew my whole life – living in a box. I have been truly wonderful with all pets in my foster home – cats, dogs, even rabbits. The children have crawled into my crate, and I’m fine with that. I do love certain foods. I will take cheese from my foster mom’s hand, but she has to come close because I will only put my front paws outside the crate to get the cheese. Because in my prior life I knew nothing & had nothing, I’ve learned to steal toys while all the humans are in bed. I hoard them. I do squeak them some, but mostly I just take them. I take things besides toys, too, and just add them to my pile.

My home needs to be with people with patience, gentleness, understanding, and full of lots of love to give me. Progress is progress, but it takes baby steps to get there. The rewards to humans are immense when a shy dog trusts. The journey to that point is taken by people who are kind, patient, knowledgeable, and understanding. Is that you?

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I went to my forever home on September 25, 2021!

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Age (approx):
9 years old
Birthday (approx):
January 31, 2012
What am I?
Spayed female Siberian husky
Black & white, blue eyes
63 pounds (as of 9/8/2021)
Experience with Children:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with children. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I have met children up to age 8. While I’m not yet trusting enough to go to humans for petting, they can come to me & pet me. Loudness & quick movements frighten me, but I’m learning!
Experience with Cats:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with cats. On 9/12/2021, Pet Harbor introduced me to cats. I totally ignored them. Siberian huskies tend to have a strong prey instinct and often show extreme, even fatal, aggression towards cats. Even if our evaluation is favorable, it may not translate to all cats under all circumstances.
Experience with Dogs:
In my former “home,” I lived with other dogs. Pet Harbor doesn’t know how much interaction all of the dogs had because we mostly lived in crates, but for 19 months, I’ve been in the animal shelter awaiting the day in court for our “owners.” There, I did have some interaction with the other two pooches who spent the time with me and came from the same “home,” Bentley & Adderley, also available for adoption. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I am fostered with other Siberians and have had no issues with them. It’s very similar to the other dogs Pet Harbor has had who came from the same circumstance. We all seem to have shyness to varying degrees, no aggression, dog-friendliness, and cat-friendliness.
Energy Level:
Owner Aptitude Level:
Shy dog experience preferred
Named for 9/11 Victim:
I was named for Malissa Y. White.
Several Siberians, including me, came from a horrible beginning, yet are amazingly grateful for love. Thankfully, we were seized by the authorities. Our humans were put in jail. We went to the shelter, then the SPCA, and then came to Pet Harbor, each an important piece of our journey to safety. Fortunately, we were taken from our “home.” Unfortunately, Adderly, Bentley, and I have spent the last 19 months in the shelter because our “owners” would not sign over the 3 of us. NINETEEN MONTHS LATER, our jail sentence ended, and we got freedom. To read more about our beginning, including watching a video, click here.
  1. 9/11/2021 – Malissa Fears
  2. 9/11/2021 – Malissa’s Get Out of Jail Card
  3. 8/10/2021 – Playtime at the Shelter

More About Me: Additional information coming soon. The one major thing to learn about me is my shyness. My history taught me to be cautious. Not only am I learning to be a dog, but I’m also learning basic life. If your life began as mine did, you’d be the same way. We all lived through our hard beginning, which is an amazing feat in and of itself. We’re learning and growing, and for some of us, it will take a while. Because of what I had to live through, trusting people is new to me. I am sweet. It’s not that I don’t want love. It’s that I don’t know what love is. I’m learning! In my time at the shelter, I got my first lessons in learning how to be loved. I am learning a lot and continue to progress. The more distance I put between the situation from which I came and me, the more things improve for me. I didn’t understand how to be normal, how to do most things that come naturally to the majority of dogs. My home needs to be with people with patience, gentleness, understanding, and full of lots of love to give me. Oh, before I forget, my former “owners” said I’m 15. The vet says I’m about 9. And check this out. Pet Harbor also placed my pups in homes, wonderful homes (Finnegan & Felix). Progress is progress, but it takes baby steps to get there. The rewards to humans are immense when a shy dog trusts. The journey to that point is taken by people who are kind, patient, knowledgeable, and understanding. Is that you?

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I went to my forever home on October 23, 2021!

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Age (approx):
7 months old
Birthday (approx):
March 3, 2021
What am I?
Spayed female Siberian husky
Grey & white, blue eyes
33 pounds (as of 9/9/2021)
Experience with Children:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with children. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I have met children up to age 8 and have been great with them.
Experience with Cats:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with cats. On 9/5/21, Pet Harbor introduced me to cats. I sniffed them and went on about my business. On 10/21/2021, Pet Harbor reintroduced me to cats. (See video link below.) I was more attentive. I was nippy, but I didn’t hurt them. I could have been trying to get them to play. Siberian Huskies tend to have a strong prey instinct and often show extreme, even fatal, aggression towards cats. Even if our evaluation is favorable, it may not translate to all cats under all circumstances.
Experience with Dogs:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with dogs. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I have met several dogs, all around my size. I have been fine with all of them.
Energy Level:
Owner Aptitude Level:
Young Northern breed experience preferred
Named for 9/11 Victim:
I was named for Diane Hale-McKinzy.
For the crime of running at large, I landed in an animal shelter. From there, I came to Pet Harbor.
  1. 10/21/2021 – Meow
  2. 9/18/2021 – Circle of Love
  3. 9/18/2021 – All Toys
  4. 9/18/2021 – Toys
  5. 9/18/2021 – Being Fed
  6. 9/18/2021 – Carpet
  7. 9/11/2021 – Little McKinzy
  8. 9/1/2021 – Why am I Here?

More About Me: Since coming to Pet Harbor, I have become a woman. I used to be a cute puppy. Now I am the Head Gal in Charge. I am all about happiness and leading the pack to the fun! Picture a parade and the baton girl out in front, leading the way. That’s me! I am still very loving & kissy, but my daintiness is gone. Oh, and, yes, I still love belly rubs!

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I went to my forever home on December 11, 2021!

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1 year old
December 2, 2020
What am I?
Spayed female Siberian husky
Black & white, blue eyes
49 pounds (as of 12/1/21)
Experience with Children:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with children. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I have met children of all ages and have been great with them.
Experience with Cats:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with cats. On 9/5/21, Pet Harbor introduced me to cats. I sniffed them and went on about my business. Throughout my motherhood experience, I was surrounded with cats. I watched them, as I watched everyone near my puppies, but I did not try to harm anyone, including the cats. Siberian Huskies tend to have a strong prey instinct and often show extreme, even fatal, aggression towards cats. Even if our evaluation is favorable, it may not translate to all cats under all circumstances.
Experience with Dogs:
My history with dogs is I lived with Aba, who is my littermate and has already found her forever home. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I have met several dogs, all around my size. I have been fine with all of them. Unbeknownst to Pet Harbor, I was pregnant when I came to Pet Harbor. After my puppies were born, I wasn’t a fan of dogs. Now that my puppies are weaned, I’m good with dogs again.
Energy Level:
Owner Aptitude Level:
Young Northern breed experience preferred
Named for 9/11 Victim:
I was named for Elisa Giselle Ferraina.
Along with Aba, who already found her forever home, I landed in an animal shelter after being surrendered to a vet by our owner. The reason cited is she was leaving the area the following day. From there, we came to Pet Harbor.
  1. 9/18/2021 – Being Fed
  2. 9/18/2021 – Circle of Love

More About Me: On 9/25/2021, I became a mom. Everybody was surprised. I surprised them all with six balls of fur. Now that my puppies have been weaned and I have been spayed, I am able to go to a new home.

Siberian huskies are working dogs. I have applied for a job on the North Pole. You see, I am all about toys. I ignore everything and everyone else. Difficulties abound when I am faced with a choice of the toy in my mouth or a juicy treat or dinner. What’s a gal to do? As long as they are available to me, I carry toys around 24/7. I believe that trait should be considered an asset for Santa and his team. In the meantime, my summer job is as a lifeguard. Well, it says that on my resume. Truth be told, I’d really just rather be in the water and ignore all those potentially in need around me. So if you’re looking for a quiet, sweet puppy who loves water & toys, you found her!

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I went to my forever home on October 23, 2021!

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10 months old
December 2, 2020
What am I?
Spayed female Siberian husky
White, blue eyes
41 pounds (as of 9/9/21)
Experience with Children:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with children. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I have met children up to age 8 and have been great with them.
Experience with Cats:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with cats. On Sept. 5, Pet Harbor introduced me to cats. I wanted to invite them for lunch, but they didn’t like the seating arrangement. My home needs to be cat-free.
Experience with Dogs:
My history with dogs is I lived with Giselle, who is my littermate and is also available for adoption. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I have met several dogs, all around my size. I have been fine with all of them.
Energy Level:
Owner Aptitude Level:
Young Northern breed experience preferred
Named for 9/11 Victim:
I was named for Andrew Anthony Abata.
Along with Giselle, also available for adoption, I landed in an animal shelter after being surrendered to a vet by our owner. The reason cited is she was leaving the area the following day. From there, we came to Pet Harbor.
  1. 9/18/2021 – Circle of Love
  2. 9/18/2021 – All Toys
  3. 9/18/2021 – Toys
  4. 9/18/2021 – Being Fed
  5. 9/18/2021 – Hurry Up, Yo!
  6. 9/12/2021 – She Ate Chocolate (The Girl, Not the Dog!)

More About Me: People seem to be drawn to me. Makes sense to me! I love people! I love kissing people! I really love kissing people who just ate something yummy! See my videos. Fun and funny, that’s me! True to my breed, I am as manipulative as they come. I will get into something, and you won’t be able to be anything but gleeful because I will distract you from being upset about what I was not supposed to do with my good looks and charm and, oh, yeah, kisses. In other words, Mischief is my middle name, but Love is my first name. So I’m not a dull-moment kind of lady. Oh, yeah. One other thing. I love playing in water!

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I went to my forever home on September 25, 2021!

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Age (approx):
3 years old
Birthday (approx):
September 1, 2018
What am I?
Spayed female Siberian husky
Black & white, brown eyes
48 pounds (as of 9/25/21)
Experience with Children:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with children. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I have met children up to age 8 and have been great with them.
Experience with Cats:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with cats. On 9/5/21, Pet Harbor introduced me to cats. I paid very little attention to them, but the lazy cats wouldn’t move. So at this time, it’s inconclusive. When more information is learned, it will be posted here.
Experience with Dogs:
Pet Harbor does not know my history with other dogs. At the shelter, I was introduced to a female dog and did well with her. Since coming to Pet Harbor, I have met several dogs, all around my size. I have been fine with all of them.
Energy Level:
Owner Aptitude Level:
Named for 9/11 Victim:
I was named for Marcia Hoffman.
For the crime of running at large, I landed in an animal shelter. From there, I came to Pet Harbor.
  1. 9/1/2021 – Beautiful Runner

More About Me: Information coming soon! First, while I am not available now to adopt, you should know I will be available to physically go to an adoptive home after my treatment for heartworm disease is finished. If my new family is found, they can foster me until I am finished with treatment and then adopt me if they can get me to my doctor appointments.

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