Category: Cats

I went to my forever home on March 27, 2017!
Dream Home Minimum Requirements: Consider my name short for damsel. I’m a soft, sweet damsel but not in distress. I’m so relaxed I will curl up in your lap or anybody’s lap, for that matter. Zero animosity towards anyone, I don’t discriminate. Whoever will show me love, I’m there. Lest you think I am too relaxed, please know I like to play as much as any young kitty. I just consider it secondary to cuddling! My favorite thing in the world to do is find the youngest human in the house and curl up under the covers with him or her and get as close as I possibly can get! That’s divine coziness!
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I went to my forever home on July 5, 2018!
- March 2017. If I walk on the floor and you do not pet me, I will get Close to You
- March 2017. Not your typical independent kitty, I love children. I love people. I want everybody to Pet Me!
- March 2017. To err is human. To be held and snuggled is divine!
- July 2014 in Play Ball!
- Christmas 2011 in Throne
- January 2012. The grass is always greener on the other side of the Window
- January 2012. Showing love in The Closer I Get to You
- Here I am at Christmastime 2010 in What Wondrous Eyes!
- January 2012. I co-star in Here a Kitty, There a Kitty with a dog & a cat
- July 2014, Centerpiece
More About Me: Princess Ginny. Royalty. Yep, that’s what you get with me. This little princess is not only stunning but also a really adaptable cat. I like to play, take petting breaks, and be self-sufficient. It all just depends on what you’re doing at any given moment. If you’re busy, then I am perfectly content entertaining myself. But if you want to show me some love, then that’s what I’m all about! Don’t you want to share your home with a perfect, playful, pretty, and prissy lady who loves to be loved? Does that describe you, too? From my video, you’ll see me interact with children, dogs, and other kitties like we all belong together.
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I went to my forever home on March 27, 2017!
- See my shoe & sock fetish in Foot Feline
- See me at Christmastime in What Wondrous Eyes!
- Curiosity
- You found the way to my heart in Catnip Cat
- 2011 Christmas dinner
Dream Home Minimum Requirements: Pardon me. Allow me to get that door for you. Does that paint the picture that I am a beautiful and regal cat? A distinguished gentleman, I am looking for love. Could you be the object of my affections? Oh, and I am also looking for a tall perch from which to observe my kingdom. That’s not too much to ask for, right? You may notice that my ears are short. Unfortunately, that’s due to exposure to sunlight, which is not my friend; and some resultant skin cancer. So an abundance of sunlight is one of those things I must avoid. I am fine, though. The cancer left with the tops of my ears. You won’t even notice because I’ll be too busy winning your heart with my dapper self.
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I went to my forever home on March 13, 2025!
- Roll Call
- Here I am in Love Kitten
- Exploring in What is That?
- Playtime in Touch
- Starring with Trost in Tunnel Vision
- with a host of my feline friends in The Gang’s All Here
- Lost in the crowd in All the Gang’s Here
- Christmastime 2010 in Happy Roll
- I have a tiny appearance in O’Grady is a nut!
- 2011 Christmas dinner
- July 2014, Playtime with the Dog
- August 2020, Still Homeless
More About Me: Pillows, please. Human pillows, that is. Pretty, please? I really don’t ask for much, just a human or two (or more!) to let me curl up on them. Like all good Southern belles, I’ll be very sweet and polite about it. That is, of course, when I am not playing or just in deep meditative thought that may or may not resemble sleep. I’ve been nicknamed the Peace and Love Guru. Children of all shapes and noise volumes are welcome! Dogs, too, but other cats and kids are my preference if you ask me.
Read MoreI went to my forever home on July 22, 2018!
- March 2017. Although I am quite entertaining, I also am a true Romeo cat!
- March 2010. See me play in O’Grady and the Feather
- March 2010. See me lovin’ in O’Grady and Magnus
- March 2010. Brothers in O’Grady plays with Whitfield
- Here I am at Christmastime 2010 in What Wondrous Eyes!
- December 2011. With Yudh, the Slug, I co-star in Refinement
- 2011 Christmas dinner
More About Me: To describe me in one word is easy: comedian. If you’re looking for a curious fella full of playfulness and animated personality, then you have met the right guy. Be forewarned. I won’t always try to entertain you because I do want cuddles too. I do well in my foster home with humans of all ages, even when they’re boisterous. After all, what comedian doesn’t want an audience? I cuddle up with the other kitties in my foster home as well, even those who aren’t carrot tops!
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I went to my forever home on April 2, 2017!
Dream Home Minimum Requirements: Shhhh! Don’t tell anyone but I am kind of the favorite around here (my foster home). Curiosity did not kill this cat. I am very curious and love to be in the middle of everything. That includes getting in the faces of other cats and especially dogs (Dogs are the cat’s meow!). I am an attention getter. Whether via a gentle paw wave or encircling your ankles, when I want your attention, I promise I will let you know. Super affectionate and loving, I have only one teensy quirk. I do not like being picked up. I plant my paws concretely on terra firma. Other than that, I am one happy camper who will shower you with love!
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Valentine’s Day isn’t just for lovers. It’s for expressing love to everyone: family, friends, neighbors, strangers, pets. It’s about having love in your heart. So there’s no need for loneliness on Feb. 14. Here “siblings” Harlow (formerly Pet Harbor’s Asia), the black & white one, and Griffin, show love & wish you a happy Valentine’s Day & lifetime of love!
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