Pet Harbor Rescue, P.O. Box 73, Bowling Green, VA 22427

(703) 583-HSKY

Category: Uncategorized

It’s that time of year again! Show off your adopted Pet Harbor Rescue superstars! Continue Reading…

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Pet Harbor’s 7th annual calendars are now available! Continue Reading…

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It’s that time of year again! Show off your adopted Pet Harbor Rescue superstars! Continue Reading…

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Hemenway, one of our pups, is not doing well. He has spent some time at the Emergency Vet due to head tremors and a swollen leg. His treatment has not been cheap, and one of our volunteers has created a fundraiser on Hemi’s behalf. This will help Hemi get better and cover the what we have already spent and anticipate spending. The goal is to make sure he gets back to being a healthy, happy, handsome husky, and that we can continue to help other homeless huskies.

The GoFundMe link is Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law. Please share the link and contribute if you can. Hemi is hoping to raise $3,000. Pet Harbor has already spent $2,000 for his care, and he has more vet appointments scheduled.

Hemi and Pet Harbor thank you for any help that you can provide!

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Pet Harbor’s 6th annual calendars are now available!

Featuring photos of adopted Pet Harbor Rescue pets, these calendars are only $22 for the 8×11 size, or $32 for the 11×14 size. This year, there are two versions of the calendar — one featuring solo images for each month, and the other featuring collages for each month.

All of the proceeds from calendar purchases go back to Pet Harbor. And, they make great gifts!

Click here to order the solo photo calendar!

Click here to order the collage photo calendar!

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Pet Harbor’s 5th annual calendars are now available!

Featuring photos of adopted Pet Harbor Rescue pets, these calendars are only $22 for the 8×11 size, or $30 for the 11×14 size. This year, there are two versions of the calendar — one featuring solo images for each month, and the other featuring collages for each month.

All of the proceeds from calendar purchases go back to Pet Harbor. And, they make great gifts!

Click here to order the solo photo calendar!

Click here to order the collage photo calendar!

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Pet Harbor’s 4th annual calendar is now available! Continue Reading…

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What better cat to represent St. Patrick’s Day’s month but our own redheaded O’Grady. O’Grady has been patiently awaiting a forever home for years. He’s animated. His best friend is Rosenthal. He loves other kitties. And St. Patrick’s Day would be the perfect day to take O’Grady home. It would be the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for you and for O’Grady!

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